Best ways to conduct a job Search


The job market is a highly competitive place. In the constant rat race, landing your dream job at the first go seems next to impossible. Most candidates would agree that searching for the perfect job is akin to looking for a needle in a haystack. Even with an impeccable resume, it can sometimes be a daunting experience which sometimes leads candidates to land a job that isn’t the best fit.

The key to a conducting a successful job search is to understand the particular role you want and what employers in the field are looking for. Prior to embarking on a search, ask yourself what your definition of an ideal job is; this may vary from person to person. Some look for a short-term job where on resigning, they would have plenty of offers lined up. However, for most people, an ideal job means being employed in a role of their choice over many years. A good working environment, a hefty paycheck at the end of the month or a job that has you excited even on a Monday morning – everyone has a different goal in mind when searching for their dream role. No matter what your ultimate goal is, here are some best ways to conduct a job search.

Determine the Goal of Your Search

Although this may seem obvious, with the goal being to land a job, determining your goal goes deeper than that. It brings into perspective the skills you want to use, the environment you would want to work in, and a career path you’d like to lay down for yourself. When you are clear about the kind of job you’re looking for and why, you can easily define your value for a potential employer. Further, you can prepare a resume for the right roles and then work in a productive direction.

Have a Schedule

Keeping aside certain hours of your day for your job search is essential to remain focused. Look for the right places to begin your search, devote certain hours to research, get in touch with recruiters, and follow up on correspondences. Not allotting enough time or being careless with regard to your applications will only lead to frustration.

Cultivate a Network

While cultivating a network is a time-consuming process, it is one of the effective ways to land your dream job. When conducting your job search, expand your network (both online and offline) to uncover hidden opportunities.

List and Research Target Organisations

Your contacts will need to know the type of organisations you’re interested in. For example, when looking for marketing jobs in Ahmedabad, ask your network to only look for jobs in Ahmedabad and its vicinity. In such a case, ensure your resume is customised for the particular profile. Doing your homework on the sector of your interest and identifying top employers in your locality is a smart way to save time on commuting and remaining close to home. Prepare a list of target organizations and spend time every week learning more about them. With this done, close in on them via mutual connections and explore their job boards, pitching yourself as a potential employee.

Landing the right role doesn’t have to be the intimidating procedure we often make it out to be. With these tips, you are sure to land a role that is tailor-made for you.
