Tag Archives: artificial intelligence

Let artificial intelligence sweep away the gloom

Let artificial intelligence sweep away the gloom

We’re all wondering what the future of higher education will look like. But I’ve glimpsed that future, and it’s bright. Higher education was already in crisis before Covid-19 arrived. Universities and colleges faced falling enrolments as students, questioning the value of expensive four-year degrees, turned increasingly to community colleges and online courses. Many schools scrambled […] … learn more→

How an AI trained to read scientific papers could predict future discoveries

How an AI trained to read scientific papers could predict future discoveries

“Can machines think?”, asked the famous mathematician, code breaker and computer scientist Alan Turing almost 70 years ago. Today, some experts have no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will soon be able to develop the kind of general intelligence that humans have. But others argue that machines will never measure up. Although AI can already outperform humans on certain tasks – […] … learn more→

How artificial intelligence and human thinking work

How artificial intelligence and human thinking work

Artificial Intelligence is now present in many spheres of our life. This rise of AI is both exciting and challenging because AI and machine learning have become an inseparable part of our life. The easiest way to understand artificial intelligence is to map it to something that we already understand, i.e. our intelligence. You can […] … learn more→

Artificial intelligence and human thinking

Artificial intelligence and human thinking

Like any new technology, artificial intelligence is the subject of both hopes and fears and what it covers today presents major challenges (Villani et al., 2018). It also raises profound questions about our own humanity. Will the machine exceed the intelligence of the humans who conceived it? What will be the relation between what are […] … learn more→

Five ways artificial intelligence will shape the future of universities

Five ways artificial intelligence will shape the future of universities

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming many human activities ranging from daily chores to highly sophisticated tasks. But unlike many other industries, the higher education sector has yet to be really influenced by AI. Uber has disrupted the taxi sector, Airbnb has disrupted the hotel industry and Amazon disrupted first the bookselling sector, then the whole […] … learn more→