Tag Archives: automation

What robots and AI may mean for university lecturers and students

What robots and AI may mean for university lecturers and students

The number of robots around the world is increasing rapidly. And it’s said that automation will threatening more than 800m jobs worldwide by 2030. In the UK, it’s claimed robots will replace 3.6m workers by this date, which means one in five British jobs would be performed by an intelligent machine. Jobs in higher education are no exception […] … learn more→

Are the robots coming for our (research) jobs?

Are the robots coming for our (research) jobs?

As a researcher, it can be tempting to ignore the current hysteria about automation. I’ve had a bit of a “not my circus, not my monkeys” attitude myself. Perhaps whole industries will disappear, our taxis will become self driving and our fast food outlets staffed by robots, but research work? I like to think research […] … learn more→