Tag Archives: digital devices

A majority of university students use laptops in the classroom: what does it mean for teachers?

A majority of university students use laptops in the classroom: what does it mean for teachers?

While we debate whether , how and how much to use electronic devices in primary and secondary classes , in the university environment the use of digital devices has been integrated into the system for more than two decades. The implementation of the Bologna Process – with one of its basic pillars focused on educational improvement through new teaching and evaluation methodologies […] … learn more→

Moving toward computing at the speed of thought

Moving toward computing at the speed of thought

The first computers cost millions of dollars and were locked inside rooms equipped with special electrical circuits and air conditioning. The only people who could use them had been trained to write programs in that specific computer’s language. Today, gesture-based interactions, using multitouch pads and touchscreens, and exploration of virtual 3D spaces allow us to […] … learn more→

Devices in schools and at home means too much screen time for kids

Since the 2008 “Digital Education Revolution”, when the government funded laptops for secondary school students, there has been a growing impetus to increase young people’s screen time both in school and for homework at home. Now that the government funding has ceased, schools are moving toward “Bring Your Own Device” policies so that students can […] … learn more→