Tag Archives: nostalgia

Nostalgia for childhoods of the past overlooks children’s experiences today

Nostalgia for childhoods of the past overlooks children’s experiences today

Nostalgia made a comeback under COVID-19. In the context of enforced lockdowns, there was an increase in nostalgic activities such as watching classic films, baking and reminiscing with family and friends. Nostalgia can be defined as a feeling of longing for a better time in the past that no longer exists and may never have. When it isn’t […] … learn more→

Phoning home

The summer I was 20, I hatched the insane plan of riding the moped I’d purchased at my job in France through England and Scotland and over to my mother’s ancestral home in Ireland. Various near-disasters ensued, not the least of them occasioned by my ignorance of a war that was then raging directly along […] … learn more→