Tag Archives: society

University education makes you a better citizen

University education makes you a better citizen

We often think about what young people can expect to gain from university, or what universities contribute to society. But it’s not often that we talk about how higher education can change society beyond the shaping of individuals. As tuition fees rise, and universities are cast in increasingly intense competition for students and staff, their […] … learn more→

Banned Books Awareness: “The Martian Chronicles”

Banned Books Awareness: “The Martian Chronicles”

This is a republish of this article The world of literature lost a legend when Ray Bradbury passed away. His visions of futuristic worlds set to a backdrop of present-day social commentary has inspired and enthralled readers for decades in classics such as The Illustrated Man, Something Wicked This Way Comes, and Fahrenheit 451. But […] … learn more→

What data can’t convey

Several years ago, when passing the house where my father grew up, I noted an odd distinction. Dad, it seemed, had been more familiar with the families that had lived on his street in Cincinnati than I had grown to be, a generation later, with those who lived near our house outside Buffalo. Friendly neighbors […] … learn more→