Tag Archives: vaping

Vaping and behaviour in schools: what does the research tell us?

Vaping and behaviour in schools: what does the research tell us?

In a major speech today, Federal Health Minister Mark Butler said vaping has become “the number one behavioural issue in high schools”. The government today proposed a suite of reforms aimed at reducing vaping. But what does the evidence show about the prevalence of vaping in schools and the kind of behavioural issues associated with it? My colleagues and […] … learn more→

How to make your vaping experience memorable

How to make your vaping experience memorable

Vaping has become an emerging trend in the last few years. The reason for its increasing popularity can be attributed to its highly customizable nature and perceived health. We have seen several smokers switch from traditional smoking to vaping. Many studies claim that vaping has become a recreational activity, and people enjoy it. It’s important […] … learn more→

Why is Vaping becoming so popular?

Why is Vaping becoming so popular?

Over the past few years, vaping has become one of the most popular ways of consuming CBD oil. And with a myriad of products now available on the market, it’s important to know exactly what’s suitable for your vaping needs, and how to confirm their safety as well as quality. This article provides deeper insights […] … learn more→

E-cigarettes are still far safer than smoking

E-cigarettes are still far safer than smoking

The safety of electronic cigarettes has been a subject of mixed messages over the last few years. Studies have linked e-cigs to a wide range of issues but even then, health experts still maintain the idea of using electronic cigarettes is still way safer compared to smoking itself. Part of the reason why many people […] … learn more→