University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership


CPSL’s expertise lies in convening groups of leaders to help them understand and respond to the most significant challenges facing their organisations and the world today. We do this in different ways to suit the preferences of these leaders and their organisations.

\”Bringing about a sustainable world will only be done through massive transformation and that is the most critical challenge of our time. It is going to take leaders who know how to get that done.\”
Tom Gladwin, Professor, Sustainable Enterprise, University of Michigan; CPSL Senior Associate

Our executive education programmes provide a structured introduction to the scale and urgency of the most significant social and environmental trends, and their implications for business today and the economies of the future. Of these programmes, our open courses enable business leaders to engage with peers from other sectors, and from NGOs and the policy community. Our customised programmes provide a focused opportunity to deepen the conversation amongst colleagues and to examine strategic priorities for the organisation. And our Master’s level accredited programmes offer participants the time to reflect on these issues and to test new ideas back in the workplace.

Our leaders groups and collaboratories are designed to support leaders in driving change in their sector and the wider policy environment. Our leaders groups convene the most senior business leaders to deliver simple, clear strategic messages based on the best available technical advice. Our collaboratories focus on a particular sustainability trend (for example, food, water, energy), business issue (for example, production, manufacturing, sourcing) or sector (for example, finance, information technology, tourism, agriculture) and seek to find solutions to problems at scale.

With over 20 years of experience, CPSL now has an alumni of more than 4,000 leaders who have participated in our activities. Alumni are invited to join the Cambridge Sustainability Network, which provides an source of resources and networking opportunities to generate new ideas and continue their learning.
