Monthly Archives: December 2010

New York City seeks university partner for Engineering Research Institute

New York City is looking for a university partner to help create a private applied-science research facility to attract engineers from around the world. The offer, part of a long-term economic strategy, promises an unspecified capital investment and possibly a city-owned site such as Governors Island to attract technology business and create jobs, officials said. […] … learn more→

The tax compromise of 2010: What we\’ll be getting

As the lame-duck session of Congress ends and the new Republican majority gets ready to pounce on healthcare reform the way Sarah Palin pounces on deer, the Obama Administration has compromised on the tax cut dilemma with Republican leadership. The White House sat in a room with Republicans and Democrats and managed to negotiate an […] … learn more→

Uncovering sustainability in the curriculum

Faculty often speak of “coverage” when there is a movement afoot to add something to the curriculum. Champions of the movement demand more coverage of the favored topic, ideas, skills, or perspectives in the curriculum, while the unconverted emit exasperated sighs—arguing either that there is no room in their curriculum to cover anything else or […] … learn more→

Discovery triples number of stars in Universe

Astronomers have discovered that small, dim stars known as red dwarfs are much more prolific than previously thought—so much so that the total number of stars in the universe is likely three times bigger than realized. Because red dwarfs are relatively small and dim compared to stars like our Sun, astronomers hadn’t been able to […] … learn more→

Tiny 3-D images from Stanford and SLAC shed light on origin of Earth\’s core

A new method of capturing detailed, three-dimensional images of minute samples of material under extreme pressures is shedding light on the evolution of the Earth\’s interior. Early results suggest that the early Earth did not have to be entirely molten to separate into the rocky crust and iron-rich core it has today. Researchers at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory are leading the group pioneering the technique, which could lead to a wide range of new experiments. … learn more→

Dowser Adrian homes in on geopathic stress

The term \’geopathic\’ means literally ‘illness produced from the earth’. Natural radiation, brought to the surface through geological fault lines, mineral concentrations, underground cavities and subterranean water, can cause health and relationship problems for people in their homes – but it can be countered by the specialist dowser … learn more→