Monthly Archives: March 2016

White shaming out of control in Oregon

White shaming out of control in Oregon

I understand that “Western Culture” has done a few shameful things in the past. Yes, I can rationalize that every culture on the planet has done horrific things to human beings and the environment, but I know that another’s wrongs don’t excuse my own. Of course “my own” is the issue in that previous sentence. […] … learn more→

Is a PhD really like a child?

Is a PhD really like a child?

‘A PhD is like a child’ my supervisor told me once. There and then, I had to agree. However, as good as this analogy may sound, there are ways in which PhD is not a child. Admittedly, a PhD grows like on. From a helpless loud little baby in its first year to a mischievous […] … learn more→

Writing in College: Best tips and tools to teach it

Writing in College: Best tips and tools to teach it

It is a recurring problem in college campuses across America: nearly half of incoming freshmen are not prepared to write at a college level. Many have never written a 5-page paper. Throughout high school, they have repeatedly been asked to write short essays. But give them an assignment to develop an idea and carry it […] … learn more→

Why is my professor still not black?

Why is my professor still not black?

British Science Week is a good time to try to find out who the black leaders of British science in 2016 are. It is also the second anniversary of the groundbreaking meeting at University College London asking the question: “Why isn’t my professor black?” There are 8,300 professors of science, engineering and technology (SET) in […] … learn more→

South African ‘born free’ students see the world through the prism of race

South African ‘born free’ students see the world through the prism of race

A university rugby match degenerated into on-field brawls between black and white students. White Afrikaans-speaking students and black students traded blows over the University of Pretoria’s language policy. Some people are astonished that this is happening nearly 22 years after the end of formal apartheid and that such clashes often involve the so-called “born frees” […] … learn more→

Hard Evidence: how many people actually use libraries?

Hard Evidence: how many people actually use libraries?

There’s no doubt that people in the UK value libraries. They are seen as an asset to communities, offering a calm, quiet, neutral space, where anyone can access information for work or leisure. When libraries are threatened with closure, community groups and public figures spring into action to try to save them. But while we […] … learn more→