Monthly Archives: January 2017

2017 – the year of the ‘to do’ list

2017 – the year of the ‘to do’ list

Social media folk delight in discussing the organisation of academic work. How to manage time. How to organise all that information that comes in and out. How to sort and select tasks in order of their urgency and importance. How to manage various kinds of analysis. Now don’t get me wrong – I think all […] … learn more→

Ten reasons some of us should cut back on alcohol

Ten reasons some of us should cut back on alcohol

At this time of year, alcohol promotions, sales and consumption are prominent. Many of us enjoy celebrating a year ended, work and family gatherings, a holiday and a time to kick back and relax. But it can also be a time when we experience adverse consequences of our own or someone else’s drinking. Many of […] … learn more→

Things you were taught at school that are wrong

Things you were taught at school that are wrong

Do you remember being taught you should never start your sentences with “And” or “But”? What if I told you that your teachers were wrong and there are lots of other so-called grammar rules that we’ve probably been getting wrong in our English classrooms for years? How did grammar rules come about? To understand why […] … learn more→