Monthly Archives: April 2017

Providing sustainable energy isn’t just about gadgets and dollars

Providing sustainable energy isn’t just about gadgets and dollars

Around the world, 1.1 billion people have no electricity and 2.9 billion can’t cook with “clean” energy. The international community has big aspirations to tackle this challenge, and its focus is on sustainable energy. This involves providing poor women and men with affordable access to electricity for modern energy services like lighting and communications. The […] … learn more→

Government eugenics and Higher Ed

Government eugenics and Higher Ed

It’s no secret that something’s gone horribly wrong in education. Despite over a century of careful study of how to teach human beings, it’s clear we’re not learning as much as we used to. A simple glance at a college entrance exam from over 100 years ago shows that today’s high school graduates aren’t even […] … learn more→

How an examiner reads a thesis

How an examiner reads a thesis

About this time every year I post something about the reading habits of thesis examiners. At the risk of repeating myself – again – it is worth knowing what they/we examiners do when they/we receive that big fat tome the results of your hard work. It’s helpful to know that examiners don’t often sit down […] … learn more→

PSLF Needs to Be Implemented Responsibly

PSLF Needs to Be Implemented Responsibly

Applicants to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program have had the rug pulled out from under them, brayed lawyers for the American Bar Association (ABA) in the New York Times last week. But they may never have had a rug to stand on. The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, established by Congress in 2007, […] … learn more→

Bowing to the ‘quality’

Bowing to the ‘quality’

  Anyone who teaches at a community college, an urban state university or almost anywhere outside of the top research institutions has run across it: We are not the equals of the scholars at Harvard, the University of Chicago and others of their ilk. Nor are we quite the teachers they are; our students, of […] … learn more→

U Washington: English grammar is racist

U Washington: English grammar is racist

One of the many strange decays in higher education today concerns language skills. In times past, every college graduate had to take at least a year’s worth of some foreign language. Now, I grant that Latin (a common option, decades ago) wasn’t particularly useful all by itself, but studying another language is incredibly helpful for […] … learn more→