Monthly Archives: April 2018

Blockchain for education and skills? A big maybe.

Blockchain for education and skills? A big maybe.

Over the past year, the value of blockchain’s most notorious application, Bitcoin, soaredfrom $20 billion to over $300 billion before halving again. Since before that rollercoaster ride, blockchain enthusiasts have touted the technology’s potential for solving longstanding problems in a wide array of fields. But what could it have to offer for education and labor policy? […] … learn more→

Higher Ed pay skyrockets in Canada too

Higher Ed pay skyrockets in Canada too

So I’m finishing up on an excellent article taking the entire Canadian higher education system to task. The American system operates by essentially the same rules, however, and Canada’s is merely a reflection of the incredibly corrupt system of their much larger southern neighbor. The last abuse discussed in the article is administrative looting of […] … learn more→

The dying art of storytelling in the classroom

The dying art of storytelling in the classroom

Storytelling may be as old as the hills but it remains one of the most effective tools for teaching and learning. A good story can make a child (or adult) prick up their ears and settle back into their seat to listen and learn. But despite the power a great story can have, storytelling has an […] … learn more→

Why teachers are turning to Twitter

Why teachers are turning to Twitter

Teachers are very busy workers with tightly packed schedules and regular engagement in work outside regular hours (such as for preparing lessons and marking). They have less time for breaks and over 30% spend more than 50 hours a week on teaching activities. On top of busy schedules, teachers are required to undertake professional development and learning to improve […] … learn more→

University music courses are hitting some bum notes

University music courses are hitting some bum notes

Joe plays guitar in a metal band – averagely well for a 20-year-old – and is enrolled on a music degree course at a post-92 university whose most pressing issue is its own survival. He didn’t have to audition and there was no real interview. He was told what to expect, but he didn’t fully […] … learn more→

Impact of recycled auto parts on the environment

Impact of recycled auto parts on the environment

Even though natural resources like trees, air, water, and oil are limited; this has not stopped the growing demand for them. The growth in population and the corresponding request for these limited resources is actually a little frightening. That is why we as a society should practice conserving and recycling our resources. Millions of people […] … learn more→

Resources to learn software development

Resources to learn software development

As the world grows more and more integrated with technology, you may have found yourself wondering if a career in software development would be a good move. Maybe you believe you have the next best app idea but lack the skills to bring it to life. Are you toying with the idea of becoming a […] … learn more→

5 reasons I went back to school (& why you should too)

5 reasons I went back to school (& why you should too)

Adults over the age of 25, called non-traditional students among academia, are returning to school in increasing numbers. In 2015, 8.1 million non-traditional students were actively enrolled in courses at higher learning institutions in America. To some extent, the rise in non-traditional student college and university enrollment is driven by the hasty evolution of business […] … learn more→

How to make an index for your book or dissertation

How to make an index for your book or dissertation

The index is the elder sibling of the glossary, who has grown up, moved to the big city and started doing drugs. Anyone who has been asked to write one will tremble a little in their boots, at least the first time. Basically, an index is a quick look up list of terms that appear in […] … learn more→

Six myths about the prevent duty in UK universities

Six myths about the prevent duty in UK universities

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 has aroused great controversy by imposing a legal duty upon schools, universities, the NHS and other institutions to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. Last month, a new report from the Joint Committee on Human Rights called for an independent review […] … learn more→