Monthly Archives: April 2019

Why the world is due a revolution in economics education

Why the world is due a revolution in economics education

Economic thinking governs much of our world. But the discipline’s teaching is stuck in the past. Centred around antiquated 19th-century models built on Newtonian physics, economics treats humans as atomic particles, rather than as social beings. While academic research often manages to transcend this simplicity, undergraduate education does not – and the influence of these simplified ideas is […] … learn more→

Who needs an editor? You.

Who needs an editor? You.

I work as an editor and have felt a little overwhelmed by the number of language errors and typos I’ve spotted in books and on signs lately. There’s no need to be afraid of editors. Most of us are gentle, friendly souls who just want to help others communicate more effectively. Someone once described editors […] … learn more→

What robots and AI may mean for university lecturers and students

What robots and AI may mean for university lecturers and students

The number of robots around the world is increasing rapidly. And it’s said that automation will threatening more than 800m jobs worldwide by 2030. In the UK, it’s claimed robots will replace 3.6m workers by this date, which means one in five British jobs would be performed by an intelligent machine. Jobs in higher education are no exception […] … learn more→

Intelligence mé trust you received ideas!

Intelligence mé trust you received ideas!

Updating our representations of intelligence is not useless in the current context of a knowledge economy. It is now common to hear about smart objects, homes or smart cars. But then does not the human being have an intelligence different from that of machines, objects or even animals, even plants? If everyone – humans, objects, animals and […] … learn more→

Destress from the academic week

Destress from the academic week

If it is not teaching students, it is preparing for the next day or week and then marking and assessing the students work. If that is not difficult enough add in one thousand different administration tasks that need to be completed. All this while keeping a smile on your face and a kind word for […] … learn more→

The abysmal rabbithole of Higher Ed corruption

The abysmal rabbithole of Higher Ed corruption

I’ve written before the college paper writing scam, where a significant portion of college papers are written by ghost writers. Every few years, one of these ghost writers “spills the beans,” exposing just how easy this is to do. Back when college classes had 25 students or less, when faculty weren’t teaching half a dozen […] … learn more→

Time management tips for college students who writes dissertation

Time management tips for college students who writes dissertation

College is the most crucial time in building career as well as connections. Networking during college helps one throughout life. Most of it is done through the events, which often require a lot of time. When writing dissertations, time management for college students becomes particularly important. There are certain tips for college students that can […] … learn more→