My dear friends and colleagues, the pain and fear we now feel is something we never expected and certainly could never have planned for. The sacrifices now made by our brothers and sisters around the globe are above and beyond anything we have seen in peacetime. In this maelstrom we are bound to feel powerless […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: March 2020
To give our youth a post-coronavirus future, we must cancel student debt
Would a Longitude Prize speed production of a Covid-19 vaccine?
The human and economic costs of the current coronavirus outbreak seem to be increasing exponentially as the search for a vaccine goes on. Great efforts in that regard are being made by academics and companies alike, and success seems inevitable given enough time. However, the exponentially increasing human and economic costs of the pandemic raise […] … learn more→
When children’s real lives are part of maths lessons, it’s easier to learn
The poor performance of many children in mathematics continues to absorb researchers around the world. Studies of the possible reasons have explored various perspectives, including children’s thinking processes. But low achievement remains a problem worldwide. It’s a problem because mathematics is the bedrock for the development of scientific reasoning. It’s taught at school to help children learn how to […] … learn more→
Rediscover Madame de Genlis’ educational center
I was a weak, lazy and cowardly boy. She made me a fairly bold and kind-hearted man ” It is with these words that Louis-Philippe would have paid homage to Madame de Genlis, the first woman to accede to the post of governor of princes, and who took charge of her education. If the aristocrats of the XVIII th century entrusted […] … learn more→
Kids shouldn’t have to repeat a year of school because of coronavirus. There are much better options
Australian schools and teachers are preparing to shift classes online – some independent schools already have. Remote learning is likely to be the norm in the second term and possibly longer. Even if done well, there are still likely to be learning losses. Rigorous US studies of online charter schools show students learn less than similar peers in traditional […] … learn more→
How to manage abusive use of screens during confinement
Platforms that offer all their content in open, applications to do zumba, aerobics, yoga or GAP, cooking channels, crafts, painting, DIY or crocheting on YouTube, memes and humor videos by WhatsApp, Telegram, Tik Tok , Snapchat and Instagram, a little while to disconnect with FIFA or to talk to friends at school in Fortnite … For several days, the confinement due to […] … learn more→
Don’t worry about cancelled exams – research shows we should switch to teacher assessment permanently
The UK government recently cancelled GCSE and A-level exams. Instead, for this year only, teacher assessments will replace exam grades. These teacher assessments will be based on frequent low-stakes testing, performance in the classroom and homework or coursework. This is a dramatic change, from objective standardised tests to more subjective teacher assessments. The move might be distressing for […] … learn more→
Bernie Sanders’ free college plan neglects the value of reputation
With Bernie Sanders’ hopes of becoming the next US president in sharp decline, so is the likelihood that the US will implement free public higher education any time soon. Making study at college and university debt-free should have been an easy pitch for the man vying with Joe Biden to be the Democrats’ presidential nominee. […] … learn more→
Co-parenting in the coronavirus pandemic: A family law scholar’s advice
As millions of people around the world practice social distancing and self-quarantine, they are separating themselves from everyone but their immediate family members. However, for divorced or separated parents who share custody of their children, the definition of “immediate family” isn’t obvious. Already, family lawyers around the country are being inundated with calls from anxious parents worried […] … learn more→
How to remove a bankruptcy from your credit report?
A bankruptcy will be naturally erased from your credit report in either 7 or 10 years from the bankruptcy recording date, contingent upon what chapter you register. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will be erased in 10 years in light of the fact that, right now, no amount of debt is returned. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy […] … learn more→