With the new year quickly approaching, there are several innovative of software solutions in primary, higher-level, or specialized education. According to recent studies, over ninety-person of teachers are using technology in the classroom nowadays. These innovative solutions help save valuable resources, promote strong communication, and manage student life-cycle data. Plus, revolutionary software tools enable educational […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2021

Latest applications of software systems in education

Apprenticeships vs. cooperative education, pros and cons of each
Unless you have been hiding under rock for the past year, everybody knows that Biden (and the Democrats in general) want to change the auto industry from being dependent on gasoline powered cars to battery operated cars. People have their views on if their will be better for society, worse for society, or neutral (trading […] … learn more→

How a handful of prehistoric geniuses launched humanity’s technological revolution
For the first few million years of human evolution, technologies changed slowly. Some three million years ago, our ancestors were making chipped stone flakes and crude choppers. Two million years ago, hand-axes. A million years ago, primitive humans sometimes used fire, but with difficulty. Then, 500,000 years ago, technological change accelerated, as spearpoints, firemaking, axes, beads and bows […] … learn more→

Hunting galaxies far far away – here’s how anyone can explore the universe
By far my favourite thing about my job as an astronomer is those rare moments when I get to see beautiful distant galaxies, whose light left them millions to billions of years ago. It’s a combination of pure awe and scientific curiosity that excites me about “galaxy hunting”. In astronomy today, much of our work […] … learn more→

Take a closer look: how more and more students are catching the citizen science bug
Taxonomy was once the domain of white-coated scientists with years of university training. While this expertise is still important, everyday Australians are increasingly helping to identify species through citizen science apps. Rapid advances in smartphone and tablet cameras are helping to popularise this activity. Biodiversity researchers are calling on citizen scientists to contribute data to fill information gaps, identify […] … learn more→

Have you fallen for the myth of ‘I can’t draw’? Do it anyway – and reap the rewards
Drawing is a powerful tool of communication. It helps build self-understanding and can boost mental health. But our current focus on productivity, outcomes and “talent” has us thinking about it the wrong way. Too many believe the myth of “I can’t draw”, when in fact it’s a skill built through practice. Dedicated practice is hard, however, if you’re constantly […] … learn more→

Bullying and cyberbullying in the school environment: who detects and who mediates
Since we began to study the phenomenon of peer abuse in the school environment in 1973, almost five decades have passed. During this time we have expanded our knowledge of the profiles of aggressors and victims of violence, and we have developed a multitude of intervention programs, mainly in the school environment, aimed at preventing this type of behavior and intervening when […] … learn more→

What if YouTubers could help teens eat healthy?
Since its takeover by Google in 2006, YouTube has experienced a meteoric rise. Standing on the podium of the most visited sites in the world, with nearly 1.8 billion unique users per month, the platform is meeting with great enthusiasm among the younger generations. An Ipsos study (2020) reveals that 76% of 15-25 year olds consult it daily. This reflects the concept […] … learn more→

In education, all that glitters is not innovation
At the beginning of this century, it seemed that digital whiteboards were going to revolutionize the educational system. Its potential, interactivity, would allow transforming teaching approaches. In 2014, an ONTSI study consulted teachers about the use that was made of digital whiteboards at that time. 87.1% used it to explain and ask questions in class. Something we could already do with chalk […] … learn more→

Amid COVID-19 stressors, international students and their university communities should prioritize mental health supports
After experiencing weeks or months of excitement building up before you left your home for the thrill of a North American education, you might now be feeling vulnerable in a foreign country, especially with news of the new omicron variant. You may feel lonely and wondering what to do during this holiday as your friends are […] … learn more→