Monthly Archives: July 2022

Growing up with the Internet: the advantages of participatory culture for teenagers

Growing up with the Internet: the advantages of participatory culture for teenagers

The development of digital technologies and the resulting socio-cultural changes have encouraged adolescents to evolve in virtual environments. Their constant connection and the resulting supposed reliance on smartphones and digital networks arouses distrust, even concern, among those of us who did not grow up in a similar situation. But there is another way of analyzing and […] … learn more→

If unis stick with online assessment after COVID, they’ll have do more to stop cheating

If unis stick with online assessment after COVID, they’ll have do more to stop cheating

While face-to-face classes are back after the COVID disruptions of the past two years, our research suggests at least some Australian universities intend to continue with fully online assessment. Students say they think cheating is easier online. There is some evidence it increased with the shift online. Yet our research, covering 41 Australian universities, has found little evidence of changes in their […] … learn more→