Received by music playing in the courtyard, the children are entering their classrooms. Start the day at CEIP San Isidoro de León. This public center is a kind of “irreducible Gallic village” in which the textbooks have been shot like Roman soldiers thanks to the strength that the project work potion provides its teachers. They resist bravely […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: March 2023

This is how you learn to write with science but without textbooks

Will ChatGPT be the disruptor the academic world needs?
Almost a week after Open AI launched ChatGPT, CEO Sam Altman announced that the chatbot had already surpassed one million users . By January 13, 2023, the global Google search for the word “ChatGPT” reached a popularity score of 92 , and Microsoft has since invested $10 billion in OpenAI . The chatbot reached its maximum capacity and for a few days […] … learn more→

ChatGPT is the push higher education needs to rethink assessment
The COVID-19 pandemic was a shock to higher education systems everywhere. But while some changes, like moving lectures online, were relatively easy to make, assessment posed a much bigger challenge. Assessment can take many forms, from essays to exams to experiments and more. Many institutions and individual academics essentially outsourced the assessment process to software. They […] … learn more→

Medico-psychological cells : how do they help students after a traumatic event?
The school environment is, like the rest of society, regularly confronted with violence and serious events with a strong traumatic impact . Brutally exposed to a threat to their physical or psychological integrity, to a mortal risk for themselves or for others, or even the spectacle of a horrible death, the subjects involved may experience a feeling of […] … learn more→

Forget the conspiracies, 15-minute cities will free us to improve our mental health and wellbeing
The idea of the 15-minute city, according to its originator Carlos Moreno, is that people are no more than a 15-minute walk or bike ride away from all the services they need to live, learn and thrive. The idea is appealing in its simplicity: it puts people and the environment at the centre of urban planning. […] … learn more→

‘Maths anxiety’ is a real thing. Here are 3 ways to help your child cope
From March 15, more than one million young Australians will sit the NAPLAN numeracy test. For most students, this will just be a routine part of the school day (albeit less fun than running around at recess or lunch). But for others, the prospect of doing a maths test will be downright terrifying. These students may be […] … learn more→

As March Madness looms, growth in legalized sports betting may pose a threat to college athletes
When March Madness begins on March 14, 2023, it’s a sure bet that millions of Americans will be making wagers on the annual college basketball tournament. The American Gaming Association estimates that in 2022, 45 million people – or more than 17% of American adults – planned to wager US$3.1 billion on the NCAA tournament. That makes it one of […] … learn more→

Our research shows how ‘job crafting’ can help teachers manage and enjoy their stressful work
About three quarters of Australian teachers experience substantial stress in a typical work week, according to a 2021 survey. Another 2019 Australian study showed more than half suffer from anxiety, and about one in five meet the criteria for moderate to severe depression. It’s not surprising, then, that increasing numbers of teachers are leaving the profession. Meanwhile, enrolments for education […] … learn more→

Sibling Fights: Should Parents Intervene?
There are countless reasons why two brothers can argue or fight. Faced with children’s discussions, fathers and mothers often find themselves faced with a dilemma: “Do I solve the conflict or is it better for them to solve it themselves?” In order to address this issue, it is necessary to understand what factors underlie children’s arguments, […] … learn more→

School choice proposals rarely go before voters – and typically fail when they do
Arizona lawmakers decided in late 2022 that the state will pay tuition, related education expenses or both for children at any school parents select, including private and religious schools. It’s the latest step in an effort to provide public funds for private schools that in Arizona began in 2011. And that step was taken along what I […] … learn more→