Monthly Archives: April 2023

Over-emphasis on safety means kids are becoming more anxious and less resilient

Over-emphasis on safety means kids are becoming more anxious and less resilient

We are facing a mental health crisis. Teenagers and young adults are more depressed, suicidal, anxious and lonely than ever before. Depression rates among teens have been increasing since the early 2000s. A 2018 national survey found that 13.3 per cent of U.S. adolescents experienced a major depressive episode in the last year. But it’s not just teens — young […] … learn more→

The good, the bad and the ugly: what the image of the Physical Education teacher says

The good, the bad and the ugly: what the image of the Physical Education teacher says

Does the physical appearance of a teacher have any importance? What if he is a physical education teacher? Taking into account certain issues that I explain below, we can consider that the physical education teachers’ bodies themselves carry out pedagogical work and, in turn, this “work” of the body has repercussions on the bodies of other people, […] … learn more→

It takes a body to understand the world – why ChatGPT and other language AIs don’t know what they’re saying

It takes a body to understand the world – why ChatGPT and other language AIs don’t know what they’re saying

When we asked GPT-3, an extremely powerful and popular artificial intelligence language system, whether you’d be more likely to use a paper map or a stone to fan life into coals for a barbecue, it preferred the stone. To smooth your wrinkled skirt, would you grab a warm thermos or a hairpin? GPT-3 suggested the hairpin. […] … learn more→

ChatGPT’s greatest achievement might just be its ability to trick us into thinking that it’s honest

ChatGPT’s greatest achievement might just be its ability to trick us into thinking that it’s honest

In American writer Mark Twain’s autobiography, he quotes — or perhaps misquotes — former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli as saying: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” In a marvellous leap forward, artificial intelligence combines all three in a tidy little package. ChatGPT, and other generative AI chatbots like it, are trained on […] … learn more→

Ten steps to implement the technological and scientific approach in the classroom

Ten steps to implement the technological and scientific approach in the classroom

In recent decades, our society has changed substantially. Responses to this large-scale social change have been varied and from various quarters. Educational systems have modified their orientation to focus on the development of basic skills that allow citizens to function in their social environment. These abilities are identified with a series of competencies that go beyond theoretical […] … learn more→

Everyone is NOT doing it: how schools and parents should talk about vaping

Everyone is NOT doing it: how schools and parents should talk about vaping

We work at Griffith University’s Blurred Minds initiative. The program uses games to educate Australian high school students about alcohol, drugs and vaping. As part of our research, schools frequently tell us they do not have the tools and strategies to deal with the vaping crisis. In previous years, schools were most likely to seek our help […] … learn more→

Calls to regulate AI are growing louder. But how exactly do you regulate a technology like this?

Calls to regulate AI are growing louder. But how exactly do you regulate a technology like this?

Last week, artificial intelligence pioneers and experts urged major AI labs to immediately pause the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4 for at least six months. An open letter penned by the Future of Life Institute cautioned that AI systems with “human-competitive intelligence” could become a major threat to humanity. Among the risks, the possibility of AI […] … learn more→

I used to work at Google and now I’m an AI researcher. Here’s why slowing down AI development is wise

I used to work at Google and now I’m an AI researcher. Here’s why slowing down AI development is wise

Is it time to put the brakes on the development of artificial intelligence (AI)? If you’ve quietly asked yourself that question, you’re not alone. In the past week, a host of AI luminaries signed an open letter calling for a six-month pause on the development of more powerful models than GPT-4; European researchers called for tighter AI regulations; and long-time […] … learn more→

Today I can't get up: what is sleep inertia?

Today I can’t get up: what is sleep inertia?

Surely the phrase “I can’t get up today” has crossed your mind at some point just when the alarm clock starts to go off, as the song by Mecano said , the mythical Spanish pop group from the 80s. But the alarm clock is one of those machines that we have inevitably become accustomed to obeying. And […] … learn more→