Monthly Archives: June 2023

Why so few women in scientific careers?

Why so few women in scientific careers?

There are about 8 billion humans in 2022, 50% of them women. The latter, although as numerous as men, are under-represented in scientific fields. Also, among the 956 Nobel laureates, are there only 60 women , or 6%: would the differences between women and men be such as to justify such a disparity? Natural differences? The first difference […] … learn more→

Not ready for Monday? Try plow your brain

Not ready for Monday? Try plow your brain

If you hate Mondays, you’re not alone. After a few days off work, many of us find it difficult to get back into work routines and responsibilities. In fact, you can experience fear and anxiety on weekends, we usually know as “ Sunday scaries ”. You may not always be able to change your schedule or work demands […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Docimology

“The other side of words”: Docimology

Science of examinations and competitions, docimology, of “dokimè” (test) and “logos” (science) finds its origin in the work on the validity of the notation systems of the French psychologist Henri Piéron. It was in 1922 that he proposed the concept and launched research around the results of the primary school certificate. These would be popularized by his […] … learn more→

Am I studying a double degree? Advantages and aspects to consider

Am I studying a double degree? Advantages and aspects to consider

The growing offer by universities of double degree programs is a reality throughout the world. The possibilities of choosing a double degree are increasing. By way of example, in Catalonia, approximately 25% of the offer of degrees offers this possibility. In Spain, double degrees are protected by the new laws on the university system and the quality of university education . The […] … learn more→

20% of Australian students don’t finish high school: non-mainstream schools have a lot to teach us about helping kids stay

20% of Australian students don’t finish high school: non-mainstream schools have a lot to teach us about helping kids stay

A significant proportion of young Australians still do not finish high school. According to data released by the Productivity Commission on Tuesday, about one in five students leave before they reach Year 12. In 2022, about 79% of students started Year 12, the lowest in the last ten years of data reported. The rate was higher for […] … learn more→

How universities could help whole communities tackle climate change

How universities could help whole communities tackle climate change

As centres of learning, universities have the potential to help whole communities learn about and address climate change. Education can lead us to change our attitudes and behaviour. It can also help us deal with the anxiety or fear of doom that can stun us into inaction. But there are aspects of how universities work that can […] … learn more→

Cost and lack of majors are among the top reasons why students leave for-profit colleges

Cost and lack of majors are among the top reasons why students leave for-profit colleges

For the majority of students, the college where they enroll is often the one from where they will graduate. But not so for the approximately 1 million students who transfer each year from one school to another. Of these 1 million, about 100,000 students transfer from one of the approximately 2,300 for-profit universities that exist in the U.S. That’s a sizable portion […] … learn more→

What is a VPS

What is a VPS

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. It is a type of web hosting service that provides virtualized server resources within a shared physical server environment. In simpler terms, it’s like having your own dedicated server, but it is virtually partitioned within a larger server. Here are some reasons why you should consider using a VPS: […] … learn more→

3 ways to use ChatGPT to help students learn – and not cheat

3 ways to use ChatGPT to help students learn – and not cheat

Since ChatGPT can engage in conversation and generate essays, computer codes, charts and graphs that closely resemble those created by humans, educators worry students may use it to cheat. A growing number of school districts across the country have decided to block access to ChatGPT on computers and networks. As professors of educational psychology and educational technology, we’ve found that the main […] … learn more→

Oklahoma OKs the nation’s first religious charter school – but litigation is likely to follow

Oklahoma OKs the nation’s first religious charter school – but litigation is likely to follow

U.S. courts have long wrestled with the extent to which government funding can be used at private religious schools. And on June 5, 2023, Oklahoma’s five-person Statewide Virtual Charter School Board pushed this much-debated question into new territory by approving plans for a religious charter school – the first in the nation. Under the proposed charter, […] … learn more→