More than half of the children in the world speak a different language at school from the one(s) spoken at home . In France too, a large number of children today live in a bilingual or multilingual situation . Some parents born in France and of immigrant origin speak their family’s languages to their children in order to transmit and […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: July 2023

Multilingual children, a chance for school

Ageism, sexism, classism and more: 7 examples of bias in AI-generated images
If you’ve been online much recently, chances are you’ve seen some of the fantastical imagery created by text-to-image generators such as Midjourney and DALL-E 2. This includes everything from the naturalistic (think a soccer player’s headshot) to the surreal (think a dog in space). “beautiful pug astronaut floating in space chasing a bone chew toy and dog treats” […] … learn more→

‘I was putting like 20 resumes in a month’: research tracks young Australians’ precarious work and study lives after Year 12
New research released today by The Smith Family shows how leaving school can be a difficult and complex time for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. It also shows how COVID has made this more difficult and complex. The new report includes a survey of more than 1,000 young people who were in Year 12 in late 2020 […] … learn more→

The enshittification of academic social media
If I started my blog today, 11th of July 2023, you would never hear about me. I built a readership in my little corner of academia, and some measure of influence, by sharing my work online. When people ask how I got to 100,000 followers on social media, I used to share two tips: 1) […] … learn more→

Non-native bilingualism: pros and cons
More and more families , without being native, speak to their children in English. This is non-native bilingualism, which is one more manifestation of the growing involvement and support of parents in the education of their children. Speaking in English at an early age is intended to emulate native bilingual family environments and, thus, ensure that children […] … learn more→

The reverse of the words: “Ghoster”
No more text messages, no more calls, no more news, like that, overnight, without explanation… If this situation sounds familiar to you, you may have been the victim of “ghosting”. Derived from the English “ghost”, meaning “phantom”, this term could be translated into French by the expression “playing dead”. It appeared in popular culture in 2014 and […] … learn more→

The deinfluencing trend reflects a growing desire for authenticity online
A new social media trend has recently emerged in response to the materialistic nature of influencer culture: deinfluencing. This trend involves influencers discouraging their followers from buying overpriced or ineffective products. Influencing is a highly profitable form of marketing, reaching a market value of US$16.4 billion in 2022. But by its nature, influencing can also be disingenuous. […] … learn more→

Why are so many climate records breaking all at once?
In the past few weeks, climate records have shattered across the globe. July 4 was the hottest global average day on record, breaking the new record set the previous day. Average sea surface temperatures have been the highest ever recorded and Antarctic sea ice extent the lowest on record. Also on July 4, the World Meteorological Organization declared El Niño had begun, […] … learn more→

Struggling to cancel an online service? You’re not alone
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently filed a complaint stating that, for years, Amazon has “knowingly duped” consumers into signing up for Prime subscriptions and then complicated their attempts to cancel. The FTC alleges that Amazon “tricked and trapped people into recurring subscriptions without their consent” through manipulative, coercive or deceptive interface design tactics, known […] … learn more→

Science activism is surging – which marks a culture shift among scientists
Hundreds of scientists protested government efforts to restrict educational access to Western science theories, including Darwin’s theory of evolution, in June 2023 in India. Similarly, scientists in Mexico participated in a research strike in May 2023 to protest a national law they claimed would threaten the conditions for basic research. And during the same month in Norway, three scientists […] … learn more→