How ironic that some of my species think that the ultimate in human intelligence is to create technology that reproduces and replaces that intelligence, like a God creating humans in his image. Quite the contrary, I prefer to think that what we learn from artificial intelligence should inspire much more humility in our so-called super-powerful human […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: September 2023

If intelligence is flexibility, then “artificial intelligence” is not intelligent at all

Can you write too much about literatures?
Yes, yes, yes. Too much literatures is a Real Thing. Of course you have to write with, from and about literatures. You need to situate your work in a specific field, showing what texts you are drawing on and what you will contribute to the field. In other words, you use literatures as the building […] … learn more→

Religious symbols at school: a long history already
In this 2023 school year, as at the start of the previous year, the question is once again raised of the attacks on secularism that would constitute the wearing of abayas for girls (traditional loose dresses covering the entire body), and of their male equivalent, qamis – attacks whose figure is increasing: from 2167 to 4710 […] … learn more→

Will free teaching degrees fix the teacher shortage? It’s more complicated than that
Victorian Premier Dan Andrews has opened a new front in the national campaign to attract and retain teachers. Amid ongoing teacher shortages, Victoria will offer fee-free education for high school teaching degrees from next year. This is similar to the free nursing degrees Victoria announced in 2022 to create an “army of home-grown health workers”. But is it going to fix the […] … learn more→

When becoming a teacher means accepting social downgrading
Can we still dream of becoming a teacher in 2023? While shortages of candidates in secondary education have been a back-to-school refrain for several years, primary education, except in the Paris region, seems less affected. The masters in teaching, education and training ( MEEF ) fill their fields and, beyond young people who have always dreamed of becoming school teachers, also […] … learn more→

Stand back and avoid saying ‘be careful!’: how to help your child take risks at the park
There is ongoing concern about the impact of “helicopter parenting” on children’s growth and development. Keen to ensure the best outcomes for their children, helicopter parents tend to hover over their kids, constantly trying to prevent misadventure or harm. But child experts say this can lead to a lack of resilience and tenacity in children. Children can […] … learn more→

Quantum information science is rarely taught in high school – here’s why that matters
The first time I heard about quantum information science, I was at a teacher development workshop in Canada in 2008. I already knew that quantum science was the study of the smallest objects in nature. I also knew that information science was the study of computers and the internet. What I didn’t know was that quantum information […] … learn more→

The Independent Campus program’s ‘link and match’ program is not appropriate for universities
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) is promoting the Independent Campus program with the spirit of link and match to overcome the gap between educational qualifications and industry demands. Link and match is a Ministry of Education and Culture policy developed to increase the relevance of education to work, business and industrial needs. One of […] … learn more→

Learning to read: what challenges does this represent for primary school pupils?
Entry into primary school coincides with the discovery of fundamental knowledge which will structure the lives and personalities of students. Reading involves going through a relatively long learning process, over several years, and more or less difficult depending on the students, which represents a growing challenge in a society characterized by an accelerating movement . Learning to read can be […] … learn more→

How to prove you’ve discovered alien life – new research
In the past few decades, several phenomena have led to excited speculation in the scientific community that they might indeed be indications that there is extraterrestrial life. It will no doubt happen again. Recently, two very different examples sparked excitement. In 2017, it was the mystery interstellar object ‘Oumuamua. And in 2021, it was the possible discovery of the […] … learn more→