Monthly Archives: September 2023

Police-academic partnerships could help tackle the crime of coercive control

Police-academic partnerships could help tackle the crime of coercive control

In 2020, calls to defund the police echoed a longstanding argument in critical criminology in favour of police abolition. Academics who support abolition promote activism over collaboration. But as calls for “defund the police” pivot to “refund the police” in priority areas — in particular mental health, issues faced by marginalized people and intimate partner violence — police-researcher partnerships are […] … learn more→

Voices of Black youth remind adults in schools to listen — and act to empower them

Voices of Black youth remind adults in schools to listen — and act to empower them

The idea of inviting students into classroom conversations that teach them to define and express their concerns, ideas and opinions takes inspiration from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The right to be heard is the general principle, and Article 12 of the UNCRC provides for children’s involvement in decision-making that […] … learn more→

Navigating the job hunt: Essential tips for College students

Navigating the job hunt: Essential tips for College students

Starting your job search as a college student can feel like a thrilling yet intimidating endeavor. With the demands of classes, extracurricular activities, and your social life, it’s vital to find employment that meshes well with your educational obligations. Don’t worry, though! Whether you’re after part-time gigs, internships, or opportunities more closely aligned with your […] … learn more→

Experts alone can’t handle AI – social scientists explain why the public needs a seat at the table

Experts alone can’t handle AI – social scientists explain why the public needs a seat at the table

Are democratic societies ready for a future in which AI algorithmically assigns limited supplies of respirators or hospital beds during pandemics? Or one in which AI fuels an arms race between disinformation creation and detection? Or sways court decisions with amicus briefs written to mimic the rhetorical and argumentative styles of Supreme Court justices? Decades of research show that […] … learn more→

Useful Cantonese phrases every traveler should learn

Useful Cantonese phrases every traveler should learn

With over 85.5 million Cantonese speakers worldwide, it’s no surprise that Cantonese, a key dialect in southern China and Hong Kong, holds a significant place on the global linguistic map. While Mandarin often takes the spotlight as China’s official language, the rich cadences and rhythmic tones of Cantonese carry centuries of history, culture, and stories, […] … learn more→

The true damage of invasive alien species was just revealed in a landmark report. Here’s how we must act

The true damage of invasive alien species was just revealed in a landmark report. Here’s how we must act

Invasive alien species are driving biodiversity loss and extinctions in every country, all over the world. Responding to the challenge, the United Nations is today releasing the first global assessment of invasive alien species and their control. It comes from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which represents almost 140 member states. Over four years, […] … learn more→

AI systems have learned how to deceive humans. What does that mean for our future?

AI systems have learned how to deceive humans. What does that mean for our future?

Artificial intelligence pioneer Geoffrey Hinton made headlines earlier this year when he raised concerns about the capabilities of AI systems. Speaking to CNN journalist Jake Tapper, Hinton said: If it gets to be much smarter than us, it will be very good at manipulation because it would have learned that from us. And there are very […] … learn more→

Should AI be permitted in college classrooms? 4 scholars weigh in

Should AI be permitted in college classrooms? 4 scholars weigh in

Nicholas Tampio, professor of political science: Learn to think for yourself As a professor, I believe the purpose of a college class is to teach students to think: to read scholarship, ask questions, formulate a thesis, collect and analyze data, draft an essay, take feedback from the instructor and other students, and write a final draft. […] … learn more→

Beyond packaging: The obscure art of introvert networking

Beyond packaging: The obscure art of introvert networking

Once again, this week, I was asked to replace someone for a presentation. After the session, my colleague said “Wow, you were [unexpectedly?] good, we should have thought of you earlier”. A similar scenario occurred earlier this year when I replaced a superstar in my field at a conference where ministers and government officers were […] … learn more→

How does GPS jamming work?

How does GPS jamming work?

For the majority of us who use a GPS – Global Positioning System – to guide ourselves on a daily basis or on the road to vacation, what a disaster when it doesn’t work! GPS is also widely used in professional and scientific settings, in the transport sector but also in civil engineering, for geolocated services, topography, geodesy […] … learn more→