College students learn more calculus in an active learning course in which students solve problems during class than in a traditional lecture-based course. That’s according to a peer-reviewed study my colleagues and I published in Science. We also found that college students better understood complex calculus concepts and earned better grades in the active learning course. The […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: October 2023

Students understand calculus better when the lessons are active

Forget the clichés about only children!
Being an only child is a “disease in itself,” said Stanley G. Hall , a 19th – century psychologist . Although his views and research methods have long been questioned and criticized, the reputation that only children have for being spoiled , overprotected and lonely has not changed. If you are the parent of an only child, you may have worried that growing […] … learn more→

How morbid curiosity can lead people to conspiracy theories
Do you like scary movies, true crime podcasts, or violent sports? Research has shown that a major part of the attraction is their appeal to morbid curiosity. Engaging with frightening media and the emotions it creates in a safe setting can help people alleviate anxiety and build psychological resilience. However, our recent research, published in the British […] … learn more→

Our research shows the number of history academics in Australia has dropped by at least 31% since 1989
The Australian Catholic University has recently announced it will abolish academic positions in history as part of broader cuts in the humanities. Staff are understandably shocked and dismayed by the news. Regrettably, the plight of these academics is part of a broader decline in the study of history in Australian universities over the past few decades. As our yet-to-be-published […] … learn more→

Why more school counselors and psychologists alone won’t solve America’s mental health crisis among students
Of all the challenges that threaten the well-being of America’s schoolchildren, one of the most serious and severe is the lack of school counselors and school psychologists. Despite the increased demand for their services, there’s simply not enough professionals in these fields to go around. For instance, the American School Counselor Association recommends that there be one school […] … learn more→

Why feminism also benefits boys
It is not always easy to have conversations about feminism with adolescents and young people; For many, both boys and girls, inequality existed in a time past, as in a distant and remote country. For example, in Spain, although the majority does consider it relevant today, there are those who claim not to have experienced the oppression […] … learn more→

How loneliness changes the way our brains process the world
If there’s one thing we as humans seem to have in common, it’s that most of us have felt lonely at one time or another. But is the pain that comes with feeling socially isolated simply a part of being human? Why does the world seem so different when we’re feeling lonely? Recent research has […] … learn more→

How mental health counselors adapt, create, and innovate
An increasing number of people are battling with mental health issues today, and help is not always available. The onset of various types of mental illness usually begins in the late teens and early adulthood and, if left unchecked, continues into later life with devastating effects. Mental health and behavioral issues affect both the individual […] … learn more→

Taking care of business (As usual)
From “mandates” to “guidelines”, universities across Australia are looking to enshrine a one-size-fits-all approach to working on campus. There is mounting evidence that you cannot wind back the clock to the pre-COVID status quo of 9-to-5 office days as standard. Research is flipping up things like 70% of workers want to continue working from home and whether we […] … learn more→

Children in care: digital technology, a means of “creating family”?
The widespread use of screens is raising many concerns in the public space about the development of children as well as the risky practices of adolescents. Social reactions linked to their digital uses mainly focus on risks and dangers. Questions of juvenile sexuality are attracting attention, whether it concerns the accessibility of pornographic content online , the exchange […] … learn more→