Earlier this month, a Senate inquiry recommended Australian students get specific lessons in how to behave. Following concerns about increasing levels of disruptive behaviour in Australian schools at both primary and high school levels, the inquiry wants to see: the explicit teaching of behaviour [as a] vital component of the Australian Curriculum. This would mean behaviour would […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2023

There’s a call for a new ‘behaviour curriculum’ in Australian schools. Is that a good idea?

Could dinosaurs be the reason humans can’t live for 200 years?
All human beings age. It is part of our biology and limits our lifespan to slightly over 120 years. Not all animals experience ageing during their lives. Some animals’ bodies do not gradually degenerate as they get older the way our bodies do. But for humans once they reach about age 30 their chance of dying doubles roughly every eight years. So […] … learn more→

When AI makes it possible to explore the aspirations of young people: a look at the Youth Talks project
Young people around the world have a role to play in the face of the major challenges facing our societies, from climate change to growing inequalities, including the collapse of biodiversity and political instability. However, 76% of tomorrow’s young leaders believe that the older generation ignores their vital interests, and 50% of senior leaders share this opinion . […] … learn more→

Dreaming may have evolved as a strategy for co-operative survival
Have you ever woken from a dream, emotionally laden with anxiety, fear or a sense of unpreparedness? Typically, these kinds of dreams are associated with content like losing one’s voice, teeth falling out or being chased by a threatening being. But one question I’ve always been interested in is whether or not these kinds of dreams are […] … learn more→

Why don’t we teach reading comprehension like we teach mathematics?
Let’s imagine that we ask a 6-year-old child to perform “contained” subtraction for the first time, without having explained to him how it is done. It is evident that he could not do it, since to solve this operation it is necessary that someone teach him how to perform it. The concept of carrying is […] … learn more→

2023 was the year of generative AI. What can we expect in 2024?
In 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) truly entered our daily lives. The latest data shows four in five teenagers in the United Kingdom are using generative AI tools. About two-thirds of Australian employees report using generative AI for work. At first, many people used these tools because they were curious about generative AI or wanted to be entertained. Now, people […] … learn more→

Is your end-of-year theme ‘exhaustion’?
We are writing this end-of-year piece as yet another COVID wave besets Victoria, Australia (where the Research Whisperers live). Doesn’t COVID realise that it’s, like, so 3 years ago? Unfortunately, it is very much still with us. Definitely like someone who invited themselves over to your place and just won’t leave. Discussing what our theme […] … learn more→

University isn’t right for everyone. Pushing young people to go can have devastating effects
Australian school students feel immense pressure to go to university, often at the exclusion of all other pathways, which can lead to devastating mental health effects. That’s among the headline findings of our decade-long program of research on the aspirations and post-school trajectories of young Australians. Our research, published today in the journal Educational Review, reveals the […] … learn more→

Teaching robots to improvise (with tools)
Humans are very good at using tools in a roundabout way. Don’t have a spoon? You will use a pen to stir your coffee. Missing a bolt to hang a lamp? A rubber band will do the trick temporarily. Need a tray? A book or digital tablet will suffice. This capacity for improvisation is not […] … learn more→

Festive season
It’s tempting to see the next little while as a space free from work, a space that gives you time to work. Well, of course you can do this if you want to, if you need to. For people who are part time doctoral researchers, sometimes the late December period is one of the few […] … learn more→