The rampant increase of hate messages on social media is a scourge in today’s technology-infused society. Racism, homophobia, xenophobia and even personal attacks on people who have the audacity to disagree with someone else’s political opinion – these and other forms of online hate present an ugly side of humanity. The derision on social media appears in vile and […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: December 2023

Online ‘likes’ for toxic social media posts prompt more − and more hateful − messages

Publishing in top ranked journals
Doctoral and emerging researchers often believe that they must, from the very get go, publish in highly ranked journals. Where does this idea come from. Well sometimes word of mouth. Sometimes universities may try to point researchers in the top ranked journal direction. Some universities actually offer clear instructions about what journals to choose via […] … learn more→

A Stanford professor says science shows free will doesn’t exist. Here’s why he’s mistaken
It seems like we have free will. Most of the time, we are the ones who choose what we eat, how we tie our shoelaces and what articles we read on The Conversation. However, the latest book by Stanford neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky, Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will, has been receiving a lot of media attention for arguing science shows this is an illusion. Sapolsky summarises […] … learn more→

Australia has its first framework for AI use in schools – but we need to proceed with caution
Federal and state governments have just released a national framework for generative AI in schools. This paves the way for generative AI – algorithms that can create new content – to be used routinely in classrooms around the country. This provides much-needed guidance, a full year after the launch of ChatGPT. Over the past 12 months, schools have had […] … learn more→

These programs make college possible for students with developmental disabilities
For students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, opportunities to attend college may appear few and far between. But this is changing, thanks to inclusive postsecondary education – known as IPSE – programs at colleges across the United States. Here are some important things to know about these programs. What is inclusive postsecondary education? Inclusive postsecondary education refers to […] … learn more→

Children in care: digital technology, a means of “creating family”?
The widespread use of screens is raising many concerns in the public space about the development of children as well as the risky practices of adolescents. Social reactions linked to their digital uses mainly focus on risks and dangers. Questions of juvenile sexuality are attracting attention, whether it concerns the accessibility of pornographic content online , the exchange […] … learn more→