The world of work is changing all the time. Technology is driving innovation and productivity, leading to the creation of new industries and employment opportunities. This means people need new skills to meet the demands of an ever-changing economy. While universities can and do equip young people with important skills, tertiary education isn’t available to […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: March 2024

Making short films is a powerful way to learn job skills: 5 ways it prepares students for work

7 careers that require an Undergraduate degree
The job market is constantly changing, making the value of a prestigious undergraduate degree all the more important. Such a coveted degree can be an essential stepping stone for you to pursue lucrative and promising career paths. Moreover, undergraduate degrees offer foundational knowledge and skills that are necessary for your professional growth. For instance, to […] … learn more→

Bells, rabbits, eggs… Where do the symbols of Easter come from?
The Easter season is common to Jewish and Christian religions, and is accompanied by festive rites and traditions, of which religious and pagan versions survive today, peppered with numerous symbols. The first Passover, Pessah , cited in the Old Testament, in the book of Exodus ( Easter, the holiday for Christians Christ Jesus died in Jerusalem, during the Jewish […] … learn more→

They are not ‘kid things’: the importance of not normalizing bullying
If you have ever heard your children say that the same partner has been violent repeatedly, physically or verbally, towards the same person, and that no one has done anything about it, this article may interest you. Most situations of school violence are occasional, occurring in and around school or in extracurricular activities. But when […] … learn more→

How can schools make sure gifted students get the help they need?
Earlier this month, the New South Wales government announced it would roll out programs for gifted students in every public school in the state. This comes amid concerns gifted school students are not achieving their potential. A previous review in 2019 estimated that 10% of the state’s students were gifted but that up to 40% of those students were not meeting […] … learn more→

From SMS to social networks, how digital technology is transforming the dialogue between parents and children
Digital tools are now an integral part of everyday life and lead children to have new experiences and develop in new environments . The place of these technologies in family interactions can vary depending on a certain number of elements, such as the quality of bonds, family dynamics, the family’s living environment, parental stress, age of children […] … learn more→

Exploring the roots of stupidity: first understand the psychology of what lies behind irrational opinions
Most people, at one time or another, act foolishly. However, truly ignorant individuals exhibit a lack of introspection and stubbornly cling to their opinions, regardless of how irrational they may be. These people demonstrate unwavering self-assurance and are often oblivious to their own inadequacies. They craft retrospective justifications to validate their beliefs and hold onto […] … learn more→

If uni marks are going up, does that mean there’s a problem?
In 1894, Harvard University commissioned a report on grading standards, due to concerns that: Grades A and B are sometimes given too readily – Grade A for work of no very high merit, and Grade B for work not far above mediocrity. More than a century later, the fear of declining academic standards continues. In Australia, there […] … learn more→

For people with mental illness, drugs and alcohol can be a key survival strategy. I’ve learned they shouldn’t have to ‘get clean’ to get treatment
A decade ago, while working in a women’s prison, I met a young woman whose story would leave an indelible mark on me. She had endured severe abuse at the hands of men, and I was initially concerned that, as a male social worker, my presence might rekindle her trauma. Yet, through careful and considered […] … learn more→

On MAL-attribution
I was recently reviewing a paper and saw my own work cited. Very nice, you might think. However, I was cited for saying a thing that I didn’t say – a thing that I would never ever say. It was a thing that I have railed against in almost everything I’ve written on the topic. […] … learn more→