Monthly Archives: June 2024

5 ways to use AI ethically in research publications

5 ways to use AI ethically in research publications

The discovery of artificial intelligence ( AI) aims to create technology that can imitate human cognitive abilities. This includes learning new things, translating languages, processing information, solving and analyzing problems, and identifying patterns and trends in a phenomenon . In the world of research, AI can help researchers find relevant information more quickly and easily, analyze data, translate manuscripts, summarize scientific […] … learn more→

The expression of political opinions by academics: what freedoms, what limits?

The expression of political opinions by academics: what freedoms, what limits?

Can academics take a public stand for a political party or candidate? Are they, in their capacity as civil servants, subject to the duty of confidentiality? Can they participate in political demonstrations? At each electoral period, questions emerge around the freedom of expression of teacher-researchers, which is one of the components of academic freedom , and its […] … learn more→

Hosting unforgettable public events

Hosting unforgettable public events

Film composer John Powell said: “Communication works for those who work at it.” As academics, one key way we communicate with non-academic audiences is through public-facing events. A well-orchestrated event can inspire, entertain, and change minds. A poorly run event can, at best, bore people and, at worst, make them angry. Drawing on my experience […] … learn more→

Dyslexia and bilingualism: a challenge and an opportunity

Dyslexia and bilingualism: a challenge and an opportunity

Martina is 9 years old and is in third grade. This year she begins the bilingual education itinerary, in which natural and social sciences classes are taught in English. Her family is concerned about this new beginning because Martina has a specific difficulty learning to read and write. In reading, she has difficulties in decoding, […] … learn more→

Sunday school – Monday through Friday: Oklahoma joins states with ‘release time’ laws letting K-12 kids leave school for religious lessons

Sunday school – Monday through Friday: Oklahoma joins states with ‘release time’ laws letting K-12 kids leave school for religious lessons

Children in American public schools traditionally learned the three R’s: reading, writing and arithmetic. Today, students in more than half of the U.S. states can study a fourth R: religion. Oklahoma is the most recent state to allow school boards to implement “release time”: off-site classes with religious or moral instruction that K-12 students can […] … learn more→

Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know

Elder fraud has reached epidemic proportions – a geriatrician explains what older Americans need to know

Americans age 60 and older lost more than US$3 billion to scammers in 2023, according to the FBI. To put that whopping figure in context, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour recently made news as the first concert tour ever to earn $1 billion. As a geriatrician – a doctor who cares for people over 65 years of age – I […] … learn more→

When Others Are Hell: How to Identify and Manage Social Anxiety

When Others Are Hell: How to Identify and Manage Social Anxiety

Marta is a 20-year-old student who has always been shy. But that shyness has intensified so much that it sometimes interferes with everyday activities. Since high school, she began to experience an overwhelming fear of being judged negatively by her peers and teachers. Now, at university, Marta feels extremely anxious when she knows she will […] … learn more→

Studying Z-Library and PDF Drive's Accessibility

Studying Z-Library and PDF Drive’s Accessibility

Digital libraries like Z-Library and PDF Drive have revolutionized access to information, each serving unique user bases with vast repositories of documents and books. This comprehensive analysis explores the accessibility features and challenges presented by both platforms, offering insights into how they cater to diverse user needs and the limitations they face in ensuring equitable […] … learn more→

Yes, you can (and should) use Wikipedia at university

Yes, you can (and should) use Wikipedia at university

If we asked a group of university students to raise their hands if they have turned to Wikipedia to resolve a question throughout their academic life, it is likely that virtually all hands would go up. However, when it comes to submitting academic papers, university students usually avoid citing it as a source. There is […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Veganism

“The other side of words”: Veganism

Based on respect for animal life and its rights, as well as ethical, environmental and health considerations, veganism is distinguished from vegetarianism by excluding from the diet not only meat but also products derived from animals, such as dairy products, eggs, honey or leather… Even if the promotion of a non-meat diet is not new (as shown […] … learn more→