Monthly Archives: June 2024

Transforming teacher training through educational 'hackathon'

Transforming teacher training through educational ‘hackathon’

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, characterized by technological advancement and changing social and educational needs, traditional teaching approaches are facing increasing scrutiny. In the case of science education, the need for scientific literacy and the growing demand for professionals in STEM areas make it necessary to search for new teaching strategies so that future teachers can involve and inspire […] … learn more→

International student caps are creating a huge headache for universities. But they could have an impact beyond elite campuses

International student caps are creating a huge headache for universities. But they could have an impact beyond elite campuses

Just before the May budget, the federal government made a surprise announcement: it will introduce caps on the number of international students in the country. It is fair to say this plan is really worrying some Australian universities. The sector argues cutting student numbers will see job losses and less money to do research. They also warn cuts will hurt their […] … learn more→

How DEI rollbacks at colleges and universities set back learning

How DEI rollbacks at colleges and universities set back learning

Just four years ago, following the murder of George Floyd, almost every college and university in the U.S. had at least one diversity, equity and inclusion – or DEI – program. Many had existed long before. These programs ranged from DEI-related degrees and professional training to resources for culturally, linguistically and neurologically diverse students. But […] … learn more→

On bad writing advice, again

On bad writing advice, again

Regular readers of my posts may have noticed that my postings have become less frequent of late. This is in part because I am now only working part time and, as part time people usually say, the workload doesn’t seem to have diminished one little bit. But it’s also because I’m temporarily dumbfounded. Patter posts […] … learn more→

Compete or collaborate: what is better for learning?

Compete or collaborate: what is better for learning?

The Queen song We are the champions captures the options that competition offers: either you are the winner who achieves everything desirable or you are the loser who does not enjoy anyone’s sympathy. The question we must ask ourselves is whether the concept of competitiveness should be adapted or complemented in learning models to achieve better results […] … learn more→

New database features 250 AI tools that can enhance social science research

New database features 250 AI tools that can enhance social science research

AI – or artificial intelligence – is often used as a way to summarize data and improve writing. But AI tools also represent a powerful and efficient way to analyze large amounts of text to search for patterns. In addition, AI tools can assist with developing research products that can be shared widely. It’s with […] … learn more→

An American flag, a pencil sharpener − and the 10 Commandments: Louisiana’s new bill to mandate biblical displays in classrooms is the latest to push limits of religion in public schools

An American flag, a pencil sharpener − and the 10 Commandments: Louisiana’s new bill to mandate biblical displays in classrooms is the latest to push limits of religion in public schools

Louisiana is not a stranger to controversy over religion in schools. In 2023, it joined almost 20 states that require or allow officials in public schools to post the national motto, “In God We Trust.” Now, the Bayou State could become the first in the nation to require the posting of the Ten Commandments in classrooms in public schools, […] … learn more→

AI plus gene editing promises to shift biotech into high gear

AI plus gene editing promises to shift biotech into high gear

During her chemistry Nobel Prize lecture in 2018, Frances Arnold said, “Today we can for all practical purposes read, write and edit any sequence of DNA, but we cannot compose it.” That isn’t true anymore. Since then, science and technology have progressed so much that artificial intelligence has learned to compose DNA, and with genetically modified bacteria, […] … learn more→

Hydration is really important for learning. How much do kids need to drink?

Hydration is really important for learning. How much do kids need to drink?

Last month, Ballarat Clarendon College began a trial to ban water bottles in the classroom for students in Years 5 to 9. According to the school, “early feedback” indicated it had reduced noise and bathroom breaks during class time. Along with becoming a status symbol and fashion item, water bottles are now considered essential for school. So how much water do children […] … learn more→

What professional skills should I acquire to be successful in business?

What professional skills should I acquire to be successful in business?

Business success is as difficult to achieve as it is to explain. Mainly because to define it correctly it is necessary to distinguish both the business sector in which it occurs and the context in which it takes place . Entrepreneurship and business success Research consistently shows a positive relationship between entrepreneurial mindset and business success. This mindset is characterized by opportunity […] … learn more→