Monthly Archives: June 2024

Admiration, a feeling that makes us grow?

Admiration, a feeling that makes us grow?

We all remember teachers we deeply admired. Personally, the only teachers who left an impression on me were those who counted for their generosity, the extent of their knowledge, the simplicity with which they managed to transmit something living. The deep interest they had in the subjects they taught made them brilliant. They managed to […] … learn more→

A strange intermittent radio signal from space has astronomers puzzled

A strange intermittent radio signal from space has astronomers puzzled

When astronomers turn our radio telescopes out towards space, we sometimes detect sporadic bursts of radio waves originating from across the vast expanse of the universe. We call them “radio transients”: some erupt only once, never to be seen again, and others flicker on and off in predictable patterns. We think most radio transients come […] … learn more→

Here’s how climate social scientists are finding their way in the era of climate crisis

Here’s how climate social scientists are finding their way in the era of climate crisis

In early May The Guardian reported on a survey that explored the thoughts and feelings of 380 climate scientists. It was not uplifting. The pull quotes tell a story of anguish. “Sometimes it is almost impossible not to feel hopeless and broken…Running away from it is impossible.” Wrenching articles like these showcase climatologists’ anxiety. They are watching […] … learn more→

International study cap: How some private companies are marketing tech and AI solutions

International study cap: How some private companies are marketing tech and AI solutions

How do universities and colleges decide who to admit? Given the earnings advantage of a post-secondary degree both globally and in Canada, this is an important social mobility question. While the answer varies from one institution to the next, most focus on education criteria like exam scores and grades. However, Canada’s new intake cap on study permit applications puts increased pressure on Canadian […] … learn more→

Could family meetings help you get on better with your kids? Yes – but they can also go horribly wrong

Could family meetings help you get on better with your kids? Yes – but they can also go horribly wrong

Family meetings are often touted as an effective way to resolve conflicts, work out some shared goals and bring the family together. They seem to wax and wane in popularity. But as Google Trends shows, there has been a steady growth in people searching for information about family meetings over the past decade, with a spike during 2021, […] … learn more→

Are bilinguals better at math?

Are bilinguals better at math?

Bilingualism can impact cognitive functioning , including executive functions such as logic, strategizing, planning, problem solving, and reasoning. Associated with the prefrontal areas of the brain, these allow the management of our social behaviors, the adaptation to new situations and the regulation of our emotions. Executive functions therefore allow us, on a daily basis, to manage situations that […] … learn more→

Human culture is changing too fast for evolution to catch up – here’s how it may affect you

Human culture is changing too fast for evolution to catch up – here’s how it may affect you

Research is showing that many of our contemporary problems, such as the rising prevalence of mental health issues, are emerging from rapid technological advancement and modernisation. A theory that can help explain why we respond poorly to modern conditions, despite the choices, safety and other benefits they bring, is evolutionary mismatch. Mismatch happens when an evolved adaptation, either physical or […] … learn more→

Internships are linked to better employment outcomes for college graduates – but there aren’t enough for students who want them

Internships are linked to better employment outcomes for college graduates – but there aren’t enough for students who want them

Internships can play a vital role for students looking to break into a career, but they aren’t always available for all the students who want them. And even when they are, they may not be high quality. Here, Matthew T. Hora, founder of the Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Hee Song, a project […] … learn more→

“The other side of words”: Crush

“The other side of words”: Crush

Is this flirting? No. A romance? Neither. An imaginary love? No more. If the term “crush” entered dictionaries in 2023 , we often find ourselves in difficulty when it comes to finding a synonym. There is something vague about “crush”, “undefined in the definition” to use the words of Mehdi, one of the young people met for […] … learn more→

What if Meta paid us to use our photos and data from Instagram and Facebook to train the AI?

What if Meta paid us to use our photos and data from Instagram and Facebook to train the AI?

Just a few days ago Meta presented a new update of its large language model called Meta Llama 3, which would be the basis of Meta AI, the artificial intelligence that Mark Zuckerberg’s company wants to deploy on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp at the level global. This action, as they have proposed it, is not illegal. In […] … learn more→