Despite ongoing worries about how artificial intelligence will affect jobs, research shows that employers increasingly value something that only human workers can provide – soft skills. These include knowing how to communicate with co-workers, put others at ease and navigate conflict. However, these essential skills are often neglected in traditional higher education. Colleges and universities’ primary […] … learn more→
Monthly Archives: September 2024

Young professionals are struggling to socially adapt in the workplace – educators can help

Public speaking: an essential subject that is still pending
Knowing how to speak and express yourself in public is not only a useful skill in the workplace. It goes much further: it serves to trigger thought, to develop empathy and listening, and to conserve the energy that we all have. The conviction that true and complete communication necessarily involves knowing how to speak in […] … learn more→

Online news consumption has surpassed television – but broadcasters are still the most widely trusted
More people in the UK now access news online than on television, according to new survey data from the media regulator, Ofcom. This is the first time Ofcom’s annual news consumption poll found online media use ahead of TV news. The immediate press reaction to the survey suggested television is in terminal decline, with online media replacing TV news. […] … learn more→

Dancing in PE class and overcoming gender stereotypes
“Tum pa, tum pa, tum pa pa”… This is an example of what you hear when you enter one of the body expression and dance classes in the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. In the style of Stomp , that famous show in which a group of dancers used brooms or garbage cans, these sounds […] … learn more→

Have you heard of the open source internet? The antidote to a capitalist web already exists
In the early days of the internet, famously, no one knew if you were a dog. The internet was a place where you could be anyone. More importantly, it was also a place where you could find anything: that rare book, or the perfect pair of neon-pink tights, or a community for your unusual health condition. […] … learn more→

4 reasons to hire a Professional content Writer
Creating quality content is no easy task. In today’s digital world, having the right words on your website can make or break your business. But why should you consider hiring a professional writer instead of doing it yourself or assigning the task to someone on your team? Here are four compelling reasons to hire a […] … learn more→

This is how we instill a ‘scientific’ mentality in teenagers to protect them from pseudoscience
Does this headache medicine work? Can I lose weight by dieting? Are the government’s measures to combat inflation effective? To answer any of these questions, humans use our ability to reason about causes and effects. However, psychological research shows that we often make mistakes such as perceiving non-existent causal relationships. This is a phenomenon known […] … learn more→

Empowering engineering students through storytelling
Stories of self-doubt are common among engineering students. That was a key finding of a study conducted recently at Boise State University by a team of researchers. Students surveyed questioned their abilities. They were sure everyone else understood the material. They said they didn’t fit in. They wondered whether they should quit engineering and find […] … learn more→

The internet is worse than it used to be. How did we get here, and can we go back?
When it comes to our experience of the internet, “the times, they are a-changin’”, as Bob Dylan would say. You can’t quite recall how, but the internet certainly feels different these days. To some, it is “less fun and less informative” than it used to be. To others, online searches are made up of “cookie cutter” […] … learn more→

How accent bias can impact a person’s job prospects
As anyone who has looked for a job can tell you, finding one isn’t the easiest process. This experience can be even more challenging if you’re new to a country and speak with what is perceived to be a “foreign” accent. An accent can often impact how we are viewed and judged by others. Despite being […] … learn more→