Monthly Archives: September 2024

Is ‘coaching’ a shortcut to mental health care? Not so fast − here are key differences

Is ‘coaching’ a shortcut to mental health care? Not so fast − here are key differences

Life coach, wellness coach, business coach, weight loss coach, breakup coach – the list goes on and on. All are different titles for similar jobs, with the same limitation: Anyone can claim to be an expert. Health “coaching” alone is a US$7.6 billion market in the United States, linked to the wellness and lifestyle medicine industries, as well […] … learn more→

Home education: why are so many parents choosing it over mainstream school?

Home education: why are so many parents choosing it over mainstream school?

There has been a notable rise in parents choosing to home educate their children over recent years, and particularly since the COVID pandemic. Elective home education – carrying out a child’s education at home, outside the school system – is a legal right in the UK. The number of families home educating is not known. There is no legal requirement […] … learn more→

Education in crisis: real shipwreck or false alarm?

Education in crisis: real shipwreck or false alarm?

If we are to believe the media and the French political class, schools, teaching and, more broadly, education are in crisis in our country. There are countless press articles that relay this idea; the same thing on social networks and on television. The program Zone interdite on the M6 ​​channel broadcast, for example, in November 2023, a […] … learn more→