Monthly Archives: September 2024

A college course that’s a history of the future

A college course that’s a history of the future

Title of course: Science Fiction as Intellectual History What prompted the idea for the course? For most of its history, science fiction was a disreputable, throwaway genre. But sources of culture and thought aren’t just found in classic literature or in the writings of the great thinkers. They’re also in popular entertainment: movies, comics, pulp […] … learn more→

Can schools stop students from praying?

Can schools stop students from praying?

Can a school ban a child from praying, or do schools have to provide accommodations for children with certain beliefs? – Isaac T., 17, Flint, Michigan Can you imagine starting each day at school joining your class in a prayer that you might not believe in? Back in the 1950s, many teachers led the class […] … learn more→

Beyond vocabulary and grammar: learning biology or history in English

Beyond vocabulary and grammar: learning biology or history in English

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a teaching model that uses an additional language (often a foreign language) as a tool in the learning of other subjects, such as Biology or History. Through this methodology, students learn both the content of the subject and the language in which it is taught . This method is used differently […] … learn more→

Arrested on Campus? Here are the legal consequences, what to do, and things to expect

Arrested on Campus? Here are the legal consequences, what to do, and things to expect

College is a fun-filled place that every student looks forward to. It offers numerous opportunities capable of unlocking a fulfilling future. Unfortunately, the prospects of all these can end abruptly if you get arrested on campus. Students can be arrested for different reasons on campus, such as participating in protests, underage drinking, drunk driving, sexual […] … learn more→

The government says more people need to use AI. Here’s why that’s wrong

The government says more people need to use AI. Here’s why that’s wrong

The Australian government this week released voluntary artificial intelligence (AI) safety standards, alongside a proposals paper calling for greater regulation of the use of the fast-growing technology in high-risk situations. The take-home message from federal Minister for Industry and Science, Ed Husic, was: We need more people to use AI and to do that we need to build trust. But […] … learn more→

Big tech is painting itself as journalism’s saviour. We should tread carefully

Big tech is painting itself as journalism’s saviour. We should tread carefully

We’ve long been warned about the looming demise of traditional journalism in the face of digital disruption. But some tech giants, once the very disruptors themselves, have been positioning themselves as journalism’s saviours. Programs such as the Google News Initiative promise not only to keep journalism alive, but by enabling innovation, to also help it adapt and […] … learn more→

Tell me how old you are and I'll tell you your entrepreneurial potential

Tell me how old you are and I’ll tell you your entrepreneurial potential

When studying entrepreneurship, much of the academic effort is devoted to trying to determine the traits that distinguish entrepreneurs. However, the fact that an individual has these traits is not synonymous with him or her being willing to start an entrepreneurial activity. What is truly significant is the influence that entrepreneurial traits can have on the […] … learn more→

How to prevent verbal violence in digital space

How to prevent verbal violence in digital space

In this digital era where everything is connected, online verbal violence is becoming an increasingly disturbing threat. A WHO report revealed that one in six children will be victims of cyberbullying by 2024. A 2019 UNICEF survey in 30 countries showed that one-third of teenagers had experienced cyberbullying. In fact, one in ten teenagers were involved in physical conflict due to […] … learn more→

Paying with your face: what will convince consumers to use facial recognition payment technology?

Paying with your face: what will convince consumers to use facial recognition payment technology?

  You have probably opened your smartphone using your face. If you have travelled internationally, you have used your face to exit and enter the country. You may have even scanned your face to “verify” your online dating profile. But are you willing to use your face to pay for your morning coffee? While facial […] … learn more→