Blog Archives

Music and AI: an unplayable score?

Music and AI: an unplayable score?

The year 2023 was marked by considerable media coverage around AI, notably with the arrival of ChatGPT, Midjourney, and in music, musical deepfakes , and other AI covers. . The song “Heart on My Sleeve” is the most resounding example, since we hear Drake and The Weeknd there, without either of them having recorded it. Their voices were in […] … learn more→

How to leverage artificial intelligence to personalize education

How to leverage artificial intelligence to personalize education

One of the most revolutionary aspects of integrating artificial intelligence into pedagogy is the ability to personalize learning. Advanced algorithms allow educational materials and activities to be tailored to individual needs and learning styles. This personalization not only improves student understanding, but also opens the door to a more holistic approach to education. Below are […] … learn more→

Building fairness into AI is crucial – and hard to get right

Building fairness into AI is crucial – and hard to get right

Artificial intelligence’s capacity to process and analyze vast amounts of data has revolutionized decision-making processes, making operations in health care, finance, criminal justice and other sectors of society more efficient and, in many instances, more effective. With this transformative power, however, comes a significant responsibility: the need to ensure that these technologies are developed and deployed in a manner […] … learn more→

The ‘digital divide’ is already hurting people’s quality of life. Will AI make it better or worse?

The ‘digital divide’ is already hurting people’s quality of life. Will AI make it better or worse?

Today, almost a quarter of Australians are digitally excluded. This means they miss out on the social, educational and economic benefits online connectivity provides. In the face of this ongoing “digital divide”, countries are now talking about a future of inclusive artificial intelligence (AI). However, if we don’t learn from current problems with digital exclusion, it will likely […] … learn more→

Amid growth in AI writing tools, this course teaches future lawyers and other professionals to become better editors

Amid growth in AI writing tools, this course teaches future lawyers and other professionals to become better editors

Title of Course: “Editing and Advocacy” What prompted the idea for the course? In part, I wanted to improve the career prospects of the law students, business students and other aspiring professionals I teach. People who can consistently improve the sentences and paragraphs that come across their desk each day have the opportunity to improve […] … learn more→

Is it ethical to watch AI pornography?

Is it ethical to watch AI pornography?

If you’re in your 20s and 30s, you probably watch pornography. Millennials and gen Z are watching more pornography than any other age group and are also more likely than any other demographic to experiment with AI pornography. As technology advances, AI-generated tools and techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated and accessible. This can lead to unethical content, including deepfakes […] … learn more→

How AI is shaping the music listening habits of Gen Z

How AI is shaping the music listening habits of Gen Z

For four years, we’ve been teaching a class on music and the mind. We’ve asked the students at the start of each semester to complete a short, informal survey on their music education and favorite songs and artists. Our students’ musical education backgrounds always range from none to more than a decade of lessons and […] … learn more→

Generative AI, a major player in a society of disinformation?

Generative AI, a major player in a society of disinformation?

Recent advances in generative artificial intelligence (these tools which make it possible to produce text, sound, images or videos completely automatically) raise fears of a resurgence of false information. This fear is exacerbated by the fact that many elections will take place in the coming months, starting with the European elections. What is it really ? Generative AI, a […] … learn more→

Emotion-tracking AI on the job: Workers fear being watched – and misunderstood

Emotion-tracking AI on the job: Workers fear being watched – and misunderstood

Emotion artificial intelligence uses biological signals such as vocal tone, facial expressions and data from wearable devices as well as text and how people use their computers, promising to detect and predict how someone is feeling. It is used in contexts both mundane, like entertainment, and high stakes, like the workplace, hiring and health care. A wide range […] … learn more→

What happens when we outsource boring but important work to AI? Research shows we forget how to do it ourselves

What happens when we outsource boring but important work to AI? Research shows we forget how to do it ourselves

In 2009, an Air France jet crashed into the ocean, leaving no survivors. The plane’s autopilot system shut down and the pilots, having become reliant on their computerised assistant, were unable to correct the situation manually. In 2015, a bus driver in Europe typed the wrong destination into his GPS device and cheerfully took a group […] … learn more→