Blog Archives

Should governments ban TikTok? Can they? A cybersecurity expert explains the risks the app poses and the challenges to blocking it

Should governments ban TikTok? Can they? A cybersecurity expert explains the risks the app poses and the challenges to blocking it

The U.S. House of Representatives voted 352-65 on March 13, 2024, to require TikTok’s parent company, China-based ByteDance, to sell the app or face a nationwide ban on TikTok. President Joe Biden said on March 8 that he would sign the legislation if it reached his desk. The popular video social media app had 149 million users in the […] … learn more→

Fintech is sold as the answer to Africa’s problems, but digital money services have downsides which media often overlook

Fintech is sold as the answer to Africa’s problems, but digital money services have downsides which media often overlook

The online financial products and services known as “fintech” have become deeply embedded in the economic and social life of many African countries over the past decade. Headlines across the continent often extol fintech’s virtues. Technology is “driving financial inclusion” and “making life better for people”. It’s helping “consumers to manage inflation”. Fintech is “too […] … learn more→

Data brokers know everything about you – what FTC case against ad tech giant Kochava reveals

Data brokers know everything about you – what FTC case against ad tech giant Kochava reveals

Kochava, the self-proclaimed industry leader in mobile app data analytics, is locked in a legal battle with the Federal Trade Commission in a case that could lead to big changes in the global data marketplace and in Congress’ approach to artificial intelligence and data privacy. The stakes are high because Kochava’s secretive data acquisition and […] … learn more→

Jan. 6 was an example of networked incitement − a media and disinformation expert explains the danger of political violence orchestrated over social media

Jan. 6 was an example of networked incitement − a media and disinformation expert explains the danger of political violence orchestrated over social media

The shocking events of Jan. 6, 2021, signaled a major break from the nonviolent rallies that categorized most major protests over the past few decades. What set Jan. 6 apart was the president of the United States using his cellphone to direct an attack on the Capitol, and those who stormed the Capitol being wired and ready […] … learn more→

The importance of developing 'soft' skills at work

The importance of developing ‘soft’ skills at work

While technical and academic skills are undeniably important, soft skills play a crucial role in various areas of life, from professional to interpersonal relationships. What do we mean when we talk about “soft” skills (also “soft”, from the English soft skills , essential or non-cognitive)? They have to do with our way of working: they include interpersonal skills such as communication […] … learn more→

Who will govern AI? The race of nations to regulate artificial intelligence

Who will govern AI? The race of nations to regulate artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a very broad term: it can refer to many activities undertaken by computing machines, with or without human intervention. Our familiarity with AI technologies depends largely on where they play a role in our lives, for example in facial recognition tools, chatbots, photo editing software or self-driving cars. The term “artificial intelligence” […] … learn more→

Breaking down barriers: Understanding and overcoming ableism at work

Breaking down barriers: Understanding and overcoming ableism at work

Have you ever felt like your workplace could be a bit more inclusive? Ever wondered how subtle biases can create barriers for some colleagues? Let’s dive into a topic that’s gaining increasing attention: ableism in the workplace. It’s not just about ramps and elevators; it’s about fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and included. […] … learn more→