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James Webb Telescope: a scientist explains what its first, amazing images show – and how it will change astronomy

James Webb Telescope: a scientist explains what its first, amazing images show – and how it will change astronomy

After decades of development and many trials and frustrations along the way, the James Webb Telescope has finally started to deliver what it came for. On July 12, Nasa released the first science observations made by the suite of instruments carried on board the mission, marking what we eagerly anticipate will be the beginning of a new era […] … learn more→



Potentialism is a branch of cosmology that has been picking up footing lately as another and dynamic hypothesis of cosmology for the 21st century. Made and afterward adjusted by free researcher David Birnbaum (see since 1988, Potentialism is laid out in his 3-section work Summa Metaphysica (1988, 2005, 2014). Beforehand held Randomness Theory, advanced in the […] … learn more→