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Yes, you can (and should) use Wikipedia at university

Yes, you can (and should) use Wikipedia at university

If we asked a group of university students to raise their hands if they have turned to Wikipedia to resolve a question throughout their academic life, it is likely that virtually all hands would go up. However, when it comes to submitting academic papers, university students usually avoid citing it as a source. There is […] … learn more→

International student caps are creating a huge headache for universities. But they could have an impact beyond elite campuses

International student caps are creating a huge headache for universities. But they could have an impact beyond elite campuses

Just before the May budget, the federal government made a surprise announcement: it will introduce caps on the number of international students in the country. It is fair to say this plan is really worrying some Australian universities. The sector argues cutting student numbers will see job losses and less money to do research. They also warn cuts will hurt their […] … learn more→

How DEI rollbacks at colleges and universities set back learning

How DEI rollbacks at colleges and universities set back learning

Just four years ago, following the murder of George Floyd, almost every college and university in the U.S. had at least one diversity, equity and inclusion – or DEI – program. Many had existed long before. These programs ranged from DEI-related degrees and professional training to resources for culturally, linguistically and neurologically diverse students. But […] … learn more→

On bad writing advice, again

On bad writing advice, again

Regular readers of my posts may have noticed that my postings have become less frequent of late. This is in part because I am now only working part time and, as part time people usually say, the workload doesn’t seem to have diminished one little bit. But it’s also because I’m temporarily dumbfounded. Patter posts […] … learn more→

International study cap: How some private companies are marketing tech and AI solutions

International study cap: How some private companies are marketing tech and AI solutions

How do universities and colleges decide who to admit? Given the earnings advantage of a post-secondary degree both globally and in Canada, this is an important social mobility question. While the answer varies from one institution to the next, most focus on education criteria like exam scores and grades. However, Canada’s new intake cap on study permit applications puts increased pressure on Canadian […] … learn more→

Internships are linked to better employment outcomes for college graduates – but there aren’t enough for students who want them

Internships are linked to better employment outcomes for college graduates – but there aren’t enough for students who want them

Internships can play a vital role for students looking to break into a career, but they aren’t always available for all the students who want them. And even when they are, they may not be high quality. Here, Matthew T. Hora, founder of the Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Hee Song, a project […] … learn more→

How a British military march became the distinctive sound of American graduations

How a British military march became the distinctive sound of American graduations

Graduations throughout the United States erupt with some familiar sounds every year: the passionate cheering of friends and families, the lofty grandeur of speeches and, of course, one very recognizable tune. Most Americans – if they’re even aware of its name – know it simply as “Pomp and Circumstance.” More specifically, it is the “trio” […] … learn more→