Most people, at one time or another, act foolishly. However, truly ignorant individuals exhibit a lack of introspection and stubbornly cling to their opinions, regardless of how irrational they may be. These people demonstrate unwavering self-assurance and are often oblivious to their own inadequacies. They craft retrospective justifications to validate their beliefs and hold onto […] … learn more→
Blog Archives
Exploring the roots of stupidity: first understand the psychology of what lies behind irrational opinions
If intelligence has no gender, why are there fewer women with high abilities?
What is talent? Of course, nothing easy to define or detect. Without going any further, in Spain the different autonomous communities, and their respective educational legislation, have not reached consensus on the definition of high abilities . Although to a large extent its conceptualization depends on the theoretical reference model chosen , there seems to be unanimity that these are people who have […] … learn more→