Blog Archives

Buy less, live more: Baking soda for hygiene and cleaning

Imagine cutting your shopping list down from ten standard household items that cost about $4 or $5 each to just one inexpensive item.  Sounds nice, right?  That one inexpensive item is baking soda, and it\’s not just for baking, folks.  With its expansive resume of uses, baking soda can be a hero in your household […] … learn more→

Heredity behind subjective effects of alcohol

Scientists have long known that people who have a close relative with alcohol problems themselves run an increased risk of starting to abuse alcohol. The reason for this has not been known, but a new study from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, provides part of the answer. The study shows that people who have a […] … learn more→

Better sight with natural light

Since the invention of the light bulb in the late 1800s, the use of artificial light has swept the globe as a \’must have\’ in every home and office, largely due to the option for increased productivity. However, the result of having these luxuries so readily available has dimmed our desire to use natural light […] … learn more→

8 Eco-friendly gift wrapping ideas

Many people don\’t realize that more gift wrap options exist than just the ever popular wrapping paper and gift bag.  To add an eco-friendly spin on your gift wrapping, try out some of these techniques. Pull some Newspaper from the recycle bin. It’s so simple.  The upsides are that you get a bit more use […] … learn more→

How tattoos ‘move’ with age

The dyes which are injected into the skin to create tattoos move with time – permanently altering the look of a given design. In this month’s Mathematics Today Dr Ian Eames, a Reader in Fluid Mechanics at UCL, publishes a mathematical model enabling us to estimate the movement of these ink particles and predict how […] … learn more→

How to raise a child who doesn\’t bully

With all of the media attention on young people being tormented by bullies and cyberbullies, parents may wonder what they can do to protect their children. The question they may want to ask instead is how can they prevent their child from becoming a bully. New research presented, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual […] … learn more→

12 things we can live without

One of the abilities that have allowed us to develop to where we are now is a certain knack for creating tools to get the job done. Tools and useful implements have come a long way since the hand axe was discovered, and we now have items to do almost everything that we require. Inventions […] … learn more→

Collision of climate change and aging populations needs serious study

Cornell researchers are calling on their colleagues around the world to focus on how aging global populations will intersect with climate change and calls for environmental sustainability. In the article published in the Journal of Aging and Health, professor of human development Karl Pillemer and four Cornell colleagues argue that environmental threats disproportionally affect the […] … learn more→