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nmit (उत्तरी मेलबोर्न इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ tafe)

अध्ययन में रुचि रखने वाले nmit पर? कम्प्यूटर~मे~डेटा~ट्रांसवर~करना 2012 तक के लिए मार्गदर्शक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय छात्रों, के साथ नवीनतम सूचना आप सभी जानते हैं कि किए जाने की आवश्यकता पर अध्ययन रहन-सहन और मेलबोर्न में किस प्रकार के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए प्रत्यायित nmit वाह-वाही पाठ्यक्रमों की । nmit का एक सबसे बड़े और सबसे […] … learn more→

대학연구소의 채권 지속 가능한 개발 및 아키텍처

채권 대학의 연구소 지속 가능한 개발 및 아키텍처가의 실천을 위해 헌신과 함께 환경보전을 유지하면서 코스 단일 비전을 상업적인 요소를 통합하는 재산의 개발과 부동산을 끊임없이 성장하는 환경의 중요성을 감안해 털어 놓습니다. 이 연구소는 혁신도시로 구성된 학교 mirvac 지속 가능한 개발 및 soheil abedian 학교의 건축, and combines 가르침과 우수성을 실질적으로 최고의 경험의 지속가능 졸업생들. 어떻게 공부하는 […] … learn more→


默多克大学成立于1973年,一所研究型大学。 大约20分钟车程(15公里)从珀斯市中心,10分钟(8公里)的港口城市,从弗里曼特尔(fremantle)。 大学是追求高质量的教育和致力于享有很高的国际声誉优良的教学和研究 在默多克的占学生总数超过一万八千,3000个国际学生来自100多个不同的国家。 默多克对这一事实感到自豪,它有一些的的最佳资格的教学人员在澳大利亚。 几乎70%的人士有一个博士生资格,并在澳大利亚比较平均的50%。 大学引以为荣的关怀的态度也对工作人员,他们为学生提供额外的支持和关注,他们取得成功的必要。 默多克可以提供最先进的设施,卓越的学生服务和一系列的本科和研究生课程。 默多克是一个成员的创新研究型大学(iru)分组国际公路运输联盟是一个致力于研究的大学网络的国家和国际的地位和应用他们的集体专家知识、能力和资源,以加强高等教育的结果。 默多克大学提供的部分奖学金,2012年开始,所有的国际学生留学海外,使更多经济实惠。 对于一个完整列表请访问这里的奖学金。 升学途径 1.学生通过澳大利亚12年级高考和莫道克预科课程可以申请进入大学 2.学生可以通过中国高考成绩,按照莫道克高考分数的入学要求来申请免预科直读大学课程 3.完成中国大学一年级或者以上的学生可以申请免读预科,直接申请入读大学课程 院校性质:研究型综合性大学 … learn more→

Murdoch University

Murdoch University was established in 1973 as a research university. It is approximately 20 minutes by car (15 kilometres) from Perth’s city centre and 10 minutes (eight kilometres) from the port city of Fremantle. The University is committed to the pursuit of excellence and has an international reputation for quality teaching and research. The total […] … learn more→

What\’s the story? Green vs Non-green Buildings in Australia

Ok, we know for a fact that green office buildings are better for the environment and the world. They use fewer materials to construct. They use more recycled and recyclable non-toxic, environmentally-friendly materials to build, use less energy and water during their operation, are easier to reuse at the end of their lifecycle, are far […] … learn more→

La Trobe University

La Trobe University is a multi-campus university based in Victoria, Australia. With learning, teaching and research designed to enrich the world and a history of academic innovation, La Trobe is leading the way in higher education. … learn more→

Macquarie University

With the high calibre of Macquarie’s courses and teaching staff, it is not surprising that their graduates are highly sought after: Macquarie’s graduate starting salaries have been amongst the highest in Australia for more than a decade (The Good Universities Guide 1998-2011). About us As a Macquarie University student you will join a diverse and […] … learn more→