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Sunday school – Monday through Friday: Oklahoma joins states with ‘release time’ laws letting K-12 kids leave school for religious lessons

Sunday school – Monday through Friday: Oklahoma joins states with ‘release time’ laws letting K-12 kids leave school for religious lessons

Children in American public schools traditionally learned the three R’s: reading, writing and arithmetic. Today, students in more than half of the U.S. states can study a fourth R: religion. Oklahoma is the most recent state to allow school boards to implement “release time”: off-site classes with religious or moral instruction that K-12 students can […] … learn more→

The Vatican is cracking down on miracles. Here are the new rules for ‘supernatural’ occurrences

The Vatican is cracking down on miracles. Here are the new rules for ‘supernatural’ occurrences

New norms for differentiating supernatural phenomena from the natural within Roman Catholicism took effect on May 19. The new norms arise from the need to evaluate as quickly as possible the supernatural origin or otherwise of an array of phenomena occurring increasingly within the Catholic world and spreading quickly via social media. Possible supernatural phenomena include apparitions […] … learn more→

Louisiana’s ‘In God We Trust’ law tests limits of religion in public schools

Louisiana’s ‘In God We Trust’ law tests limits of religion in public schools

When Louisiana passed a law in August 2023 requiring public schools to post “In God We Trust” in every classroom – from elementary school to college – the author of the bill claimed to be following a long-held tradition of displaying the national motto, most notably on U.S. currency. But even under recent Supreme Court precedents, the Louisiana […] … learn more→

Southern Baptists expel churches with women pastors – but the debate’s not just about gender

Southern Baptists expel churches with women pastors – but the debate’s not just about gender

The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant group in the United States, overwhelmingly voted to expel two congregations with women pastors on June 14, 2023, during their annual convention. SBC messengers, as convention delegates are called, also put forward an amendment to make churches’ membership within the denomination contingent upon prohibiting women pastors, which will be voted on next year. […] … learn more→

‘Salam, Ramadan Mubarak!’: 4 ways schools can bring Ramadan into the classroom

‘Salam, Ramadan Mubarak!’: 4 ways schools can bring Ramadan into the classroom

As Muslims begin observing Ramadan, it’s a good time to consider the importance of building a strong sense of belonging at school. Affirming the identities of Muslim students and all minoritized and racialized learners is a way of creating a positive classroom culture. Fostering opportunities to understand inequities, going beyond stories of racism and spotlighting greatness and achievement all […] … learn more→