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I unintentionally created a biased AI algorithm 25 years ago – tech companies are still making the same mistake

I unintentionally created a biased AI algorithm 25 years ago – tech companies are still making the same mistake

In 1998, I unintentionally created a racially biased artificial intelligence algorithm. There are lessons in that story that resonate even more strongly today. The dangers of bias and errors in AI algorithms are now well known. Why, then, has there been a flurry of blunders by tech companies in recent months, especially in the world of AI […] … learn more→

The difficult balance of regulating artificial intelligence: between progress and caution

The difficult balance of regulating artificial intelligence: between progress and caution

Recent months have seen rapid and unexpected advances in artificial intelligence (AI). We can create images at will with tools like Midjourney or DALL-E or ask questions and chat with ChatGPT . And this also poses unprecedented ethical, social and legal challenges. Technical advances that radically change our way of life always bring unknowns and confusion. When the train began to replace […] … learn more→

AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton says AI is a new form of intelligence unlike our own. Have we been getting it wrong this whole time?

AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton says AI is a new form of intelligence unlike our own. Have we been getting it wrong this whole time?

Debates about AI often characterise it as a technology that has come to compete with human intelligence. Indeed, one of the most widely pronounced fears is that AI may achieve human-like intelligence and render humans obsolete in the process. However, one of the world’s top AI scientists is now describing AI as a new form […] … learn more→

Using ChatGPT (ChattieG) to write good

Using ChatGPT (ChattieG) to write good

I’m on sabbatical for the next three months and have committed to doing a literature review on neurodiversity and PhD study. Ugh. I hate doing literature reviews. I’m just going to say it: most academic writing is BORING and doing a big review means reading lots of it. The thought of reading more than 200 […] … learn more→

We built a human-skin printer from Lego and we want every lab to use our blueprint

We built a human-skin printer from Lego and we want every lab to use our blueprint

Sourcing human tissue samples for biological investigations isn’t always easy. While they are ethically obtained through organ donation or from tissue that’s removed during surgical procedures, scientists are finding them increasingly difficult to get hold of. And it’s not just because there’s a limited supply of human tissue samples. There’s also restricted availability of the specific size and […] … learn more→

If ChatGPT wrote it, who owns the copyright? It depends on where you live, but in Australia it’s complicated

If ChatGPT wrote it, who owns the copyright? It depends on where you live, but in Australia it’s complicated

ChatGPT and other generative AI tools which draw on large language models (LLMs) are a hot topic. Released in November 2022 by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a chatbot – it generates text output refined through user prompts. What makes it special is just how sophisticated and impressive that output is. The stratospheric rise of generative AI tools has […] … learn more→

This is not a deepfake , but a hand with a robotic sixth finger. Yoichi Miyawaki Laboratory , Provided by the author Will you take a sixth finger?

This is not a deepfake , but a hand with a robotic sixth finger. Yoichi Miyawaki Laboratory , Provided by the author Will you take a sixth finger?

Have you spotted what distinguishes this hand from the ones you usually see? Count the number of fingers… The hand wears a robotic “artificial sixth finger” that we developed with our collaborator , Professor Yoichi Miyawaki of Tokyo University of Electro-communication in Japan. Users can control this sixth finger independently of their other fingers. Indeed, we can isolate, with […] … learn more→

How will AI change the web development in the future?

How will AI change the web development in the future?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword in recent times. It is being leveraged by various industries to enhance their efficiency and productivity. The global market size of AI was USD 119.78 billion in the year 2022. It is expected to reach USD 1,591.03 billion by 2030. That shows the growing demand for artificial intelligence. As […] … learn more→

Automated journalism: AI already writes news, verifies it and offers personalized information

Automated journalism: AI already writes news, verifies it and offers personalized information

The irruption of artificial intelligence has given rise to Automated Journalism , that is, the automatic writing of news with minimal or no human input using natural language computing techniques. We are facing an emerging reality that occupies all stages of the journalistic chain, mainly three phases: automation in the collection of information, automated content production (news […] … learn more→

It takes a body to understand the world – why ChatGPT and other language AIs don’t know what they’re saying

It takes a body to understand the world – why ChatGPT and other language AIs don’t know what they’re saying

When we asked GPT-3, an extremely powerful and popular artificial intelligence language system, whether you’d be more likely to use a paper map or a stone to fan life into coals for a barbecue, it preferred the stone. To smooth your wrinkled skirt, would you grab a warm thermos or a hairpin? GPT-3 suggested the hairpin. […] … learn more→