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Your smartphone can be accessed without your knowledge... under what conditions is this  legal?

Your smartphone can be accessed without your knowledge… under what conditions is this legal?

It is quite common to hear about smartphone compromises today: these intrusions allow access to data stored on the phone, or the installation of spyware. Today, it is in fact the complexity of smartphones that makes them so vulnerable to intrusions (architecture, operation) and so difficult to completely secure from a technical point of view. The Pegasus […] … learn more→

AI can now attend a meeting and write code for you – here’s why you should be cautious

AI can now attend a meeting and write code for you – here’s why you should be cautious

Microsoft recently launched a new version of all of its software with the addition of an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant that can do a variety of tasks for you. Copilot can summarise verbal conversations on Teams online meetings, present arguments for or against a particular point based on verbal discussions and answer a portion of your emails. It can even write […] … learn more→

Education 2023: teaching with science

Education 2023: teaching with science

Advances and research in the field of education do not usually have as much impact or be as immediately useful as those that occur in the fields of health, science, technology and engineering. Education is not an exact or experimental science, and although neuroscience has a lot to say about how our brain assimilates information , the truth […] … learn more→

ChatGPT doesn't do magic

ChatGPT doesn’t do magic

ChatGPT has become popular throughout the year 2023. Its ability to generate content, with a series of prior textual instructions, not necessarily very extensive, has caused both astonishment and despair in the educational environment. In the academic world (schools, institutes, vocational training centers and universities) there has been concern when thinking that a generative chatbot could replace […] … learn more→

2023 was the year of generative AI. What can we expect in 2024?

2023 was the year of generative AI. What can we expect in 2024?

In 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) truly entered our daily lives. The latest data shows four in five teenagers in the United Kingdom are using generative AI tools. About two-thirds of Australian employees report using generative AI for work. At first, many people used these tools because they were curious about generative AI or wanted to be entertained. Now, people […] … learn more→

Teaching robots to improvise (with tools)

Teaching robots to improvise (with tools)

Humans are very good at using tools in a roundabout way. Don’t have a spoon? You will use a pen to stir your coffee. Missing a bolt to hang a lamp? A rubber band will do the trick temporarily. Need a tray? A book or digital tablet will suffice. This capacity for improvisation is not […] … learn more→

Google’s Gemini AI hints at the next great leap for the technology: analysing real-time information

Google’s Gemini AI hints at the next great leap for the technology: analysing real-time information

Google has launched Gemini, a new artificial intelligence (AI) system that can seemingly understand and talk intelligently about almost any kind of prompt – pictures, text, speech, music, computer code and much more. This type of AI system is known as a multimodal model. It’s a step beyond just being able to handle text or images as previous […] … learn more→

My favourite ChatGPT (ChattieG!) writing prompts

My favourite ChatGPT (ChattieG!) writing prompts

We have to talk about ChatGPT, or as my sister @anitranot styles it, ‘ChattieG.’ (which is both funnier and easier to say). The reaction to Chattie in academia seems to oscillate between moral panic (“OMG, The Youngs will cheat on their assignments!!”) and world-weary cynicism (“it writes like shit anyway”). Very few people seem to be talking […] … learn more→

Technology is stealing your time in ways you may not realise – here’s what you can do about it

Technology is stealing your time in ways you may not realise – here’s what you can do about it

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. Smart phones provide a palm-size window to the world, enabling us to do almost anything at the touch of a button. Smart homes look after themselves, and virtual meetings mean that for many, time spent commuting is a thing of the past. So we should have more […] … learn more→

ChatGPT turns 1: AI chatbot’s success says as much about humans as technology

ChatGPT turns 1: AI chatbot’s success says as much about humans as technology

ChatGPT was launched on Nov. 30, 2022, ushering in what many have called artificial intelligence’s breakout year. Within days of its release, ChatGPT went viral. Screenshots of conversations snowballed across social media, and the use of ChatGPT skyrocketed to an extent that seems to have surprised even its maker, OpenAI. By January, ChatGPT was seeing 13 […] … learn more→