It\’s easy being Green in 2011


Good news Kermit, it\’s getting easier every day to be green. Turns out global warming isn\’t a fairy tale created by liberals and scientists looking to plant fear in the hearts of Americans. Really, they just want to plant trees. And anything else that will help our planet not wither and die faster than Mel Gibson’s career in 2010. What\’s good for the planet is also good for its inhabitants.

Because environmental awareness is “in” there are more jobs being created to fill the need of those who are eco-friendly. Below is a list of a few career paths that are expected to expand this year. And with unemployment where it’s at, this is something to take notice of:

Solar Installation. Are you already familiar with construction? Perfect! Do you live in or near a “hip” area filled with vegans and the wealthy? Even better! Not only is the field growing, but because of said growth the price of solar panels has been dropping, making it more accessible for businesses and individuals to purchase them. It makes the most sense since in the long run, those people who get solar panels will be saving money.

Engineering. Figuring out new ways to make buildings more environmentally friendly is a lucrative business, and one that\’s not going away any time soon. If you\’ve had any interest at all in this field, I\’d definitely looking into online degree programs that will get you there. Even if you already have a job you can take online classes that work around your busy schedule. And with Earth being in the state it\’s in, I doubt this job market is going anywhere but up.

Wind Turbine Installation. The whole point of a wind turbine is to harness the wind, and if you\’ve ever been to the beach on the east coast (or any beach, really), you\’ll know that wind is a never-ending-dear-Lord-please-stop-blowing-sand-in-my-face resource. So naturally, pun intended, this field is growing. Right now starting salaries are around 50-60k/per year.

Mass Transit. If your town was anything like mine growing up, taking the bus meant arriving 40 minutes early and waiting for it to arrive 20 minutes late. Now-a-days more and more cities are being equipped with mass transit systems that actually work. Mass transit helps the environment, yes, but it also costs less than spending money on ever-rising gas prices. Being a driver could open some pretty fiscally pleasing doors.