Promoting sustainable food and energy programs in Baltimore City


The Baltimore Free Farm, or BFF, formed in January 2010, their pilot project being the Ash Street Community Garden. Over the course of their first season, the group has managed to clean up several abandoned lots and complete major landscaping at the Ash Street Garden utilizing a strong volunteer base and almost no funds. They recently were awarded a grant from Parks and People Foundation to finish their greenhouse and install rainwater collection as well as drip irrigation.

The BFF has plans to open what they call a Sustainability Center near the garden, where they, and like minded organizations can hold events, work on projects, and host public workshops on topics such as organic gardening, alternative energy, community organizing, bicycle repair, and rainwater collection. Biohabitats, and ecological restoration group, has proposed sub-leasing space in the center for a large scale sustainable food system involving growing freshwater prawn.

The building is in need of repairs, however. Roof repair, painting, plumbing and electrical work are all needed. Offices, a library, and a security system will also be installed.

The BFF is fundraising through, an inventive new way for creative projects such as this to raise money. They hope to raise $10,000 for renovations, the fundraiser runs through December 31st .