STEM subjects steal spotlight



Albeit U.S. colleges and universities have grown significantly in size and have become more developed throughout the years, there is no arguing that there always seems to be those “top ten” most popular degrees or the selected few that lead to the highest employment rates; however, we can argue what we as individuals view as the most important or best degrees to earn.

The current rage: STEM degrees. Yep! Standing for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, this scientific batch of studies is currently in the spotlight. Why? Well for one, our world pretty much revolves around technology from the latest cell phones to medical treatment to transportation. Companies, like those of Silicon Valley, are always yearning for tech-savvy geniuses to come join their teams. Also, U.S. students should be excelling more in subjects such as math and science, say their recent test scores.

However, conventional institutions are not the only ones enjoying this recent education craze. Many distance learning programs and online courses are now offering STEM related programs as well in an attempt to keep up with the recent burst of funding and interest.

A Huffington Post article, “STEM Sell: Are Math and Science Really More Important Than Other Subjects?” discusses the debate of whether certain subjects deserve more funding, in addition to Mr. President’s new initiative known as “Education to Innovate.” According to this article, it is believed that STEM can offer accurate answers to crucial questions such as “How many, how fast, how far?” because these subjects are black and white meaning that answers are very objective, either right or wrong. We all know that in math, if you are even .01 off on an answer that you are completely W-R-O-N-G, while in subjects such as literature, philosophy, or communications, there are often grey areas that allow for subjective answers and responses to questions, hence why sometimes you can finagle your away through writing an essay on something you know little about. Most times however, people prefer practicality, and this relates to money and economic profit and productivity, notes the article. Would you really want your financial advisor to just guesstimate on numbers regarding your finances and investments?

Recently, Obama announced his plan called “Educate to Innovate,” which he believes will work towards enhancing student performance in STEM studies and raise awareness of the popularity and success “stemming” from STEM degrees. This initiative will be supported by a combination of efforts from the Federal Government, non-profit organizations, prominent companies and foundations, as well as some science and engineering associations. Shortly after the big announcement broke headlines, a declaration was made revealing even more funding exclusively for STEM subjects.

Educators and advocates of non-STEM related subjects are probably slamming their heads against the wall in frustration because their fields of study currently are not being recognized or lavished with more funds. Well, regardless of what one thinks is fair or not, trending shows that there are some powerful jobs provided to those with these “science-y” degrees. For those not involved with this STEM revolution, no need to get discouraged because there are still many other great degrees that yield to very successful professions such as lawyers and those in the world of PR and Advertising perhaps, plus many more!

For more information on STEM degrees and how to gear your college career today one, check here: \”Pathway To Stem Degrees\”