Tag Archives: academia

Should I stay or should I go? Academics facing this dilemma should ask themselves 3 questions

Should I stay or should I go? Academics facing this dilemma should ask themselves 3 questions

This year my partner and my brother both left academia. They are part of a nation-wide changing of the guard at most universities in Australia and many overseas. Over 17,000 Australian university jobs disappeared in 2020, Universities Australia estimated. It predicted more to come. By May this year an estimated one in five positions in higher education had been […] … learn more→

How having kids made me a better academic

How having kids made me a better academic

I suffered a serious lack of academic mojo when I came back to work after maternity leave for my second daughter. I’d had to start her in childcare two months before my maternity leave ended so we wouldn’t miss out on a spot and, as is inevitable when a small kid starts childcare, she was […] … learn more→