Tag Archives: academic fraud

The promotion of academic fraud through search engines

The promotion of academic fraud through search engines

In recent years, as we have previously written, we are witnessing the emergence of platforms for the sale of academic works “Made in Spain”. Most of these websites, which in an aseptic and politically correct tone can be classified as “academic services” and with another more daring but adjusted to the reality of “facilitators of academic fraud”, are […] … learn more→

Another glimpse into online academic fraud

Another glimpse into online academic fraud

The real problem with our higher education system is the academic fraud, predominantly paid for by the student loan scam. If our schools offered a legitimate education, the bulk of the issues we’re seeing there would be irrelevant. A somewhat buried scandal gives a clue what’s going on here: NCAA Punishes Missouri in Blatant Academic […] … learn more→

The obvious education fraud

The obvious education fraud

Time and again I’ve claimed that much of what goes on in our higher education system is fraudulent. I concede that this is just a blog, and I encourage the gentle reader to read all things online with some level of skepticism, to think through the implications and see if the conclusions read online are […] … learn more→

UNC’s systemic fraud was a “typo.” Shameless!

UNC’s systemic fraud was a “typo.” Shameless!

The academic fraud at UNC was intergenerational: it went on long enough that a participant in the early days of the fraud could see his child grow up, come to this university, and also participate in the fraud. In one exchange, regarding a basketball player, Crowder asked Boxill if a “D will do.” “I’m only […] … learn more→