Tag Archives: anxiety

What worries university students?

What worries university students?

The world is transforming at a dizzying pace, presenting challenges such as an evolving labor market, climate change or the depletion of natural resources. Added to these challenges are more recent ones, such as the energy and economic crisis derived from the covid-19 pandemic and the invasion of Ukraine. For millennials (born between 1983 and […] … learn more→

Five years after Parkland shooting, a school psychologist offers insights on helping students and teachers deal with grief

Five years after Parkland shooting, a school psychologist offers insights on helping students and teachers deal with grief

Whenever a school shooting takes place, school officials often arrange for grief counseling services to be made available for whoever needs them. But what exactly do those services entail? To answer that question, The Conversation reached out to Philip J. Lazarus, a school psychology professor at Florida International University who counseled students and educators affected […] … learn more→

Anxiety can affect academic performance. Here are 10 things parents and teachers can do to relieve the pressure

Anxiety can affect academic performance. Here are 10 things parents and teachers can do to relieve the pressure

Many kids across Australia are heading back into classrooms after months of lockdowns and remote learning. Understandably, students may be anxious about what the uncertainty of the return may mean for them academically and socially. Some may have existing worries at home, such as financial strain in the family, that can impact on their mental […] … learn more→

How parents can help kids deal with back-to-school anxiety

How parents can help kids deal with back-to-school anxiety

As a child, I had a great deal of anxiety. If you’ve ever seen me speak in public, that might surprise you. But anxiety among children is extremely common and affects almost all children, to varying degrees. During pre-pandemic times, researchers noted that as many as 7% of children had a diagnosable anxiety disorder that disrupted their […] … learn more→

Decrease anxiety about learning English with mobile gaming

Decrease anxiety about learning English with mobile gaming

It’s normal to experience some anxiety when speaking a second language. When paired with large class sizes and limited opportunities for practice during class time, however, this anxiety can limit a person’s ability to perform in the language classroom. In order to become proficient in a second language, learners require extensive practice with the language such as with new vocabulary […] … learn more→

Losing my memory stick was unforgettably brain-beating

Losing my memory stick was unforgettably brain-beating

It was a quiet evening in the bucolic foothills of academia. I had just finished updating my lecture for the following morning – checking that the various theories expounded hadn’t been discredited since last term, and that the embedded web links didn’t redirect to sites of a pornographic nature – and uploaded the file to my […] … learn more→