Tag Archives: assessments

School and disability: exam accommodations, a real guarantee of equality?

School and disability: exam accommodations, a real guarantee of equality?

Since the implementation of the 2005 law on equal rights and opportunities , inclusive schooling has become a major objective of the French education system. Today, it is a question of setting up a quality education intended for all pupils, whatever their differences and their needs. If the financial and human resources allocated to the support of students […] … learn more→

Four things that can bias how teachers assess student work

Four things that can bias how teachers assess student work

The way that teachers assess students has been under scrutiny since the UK government announced that this would be one element of a range of evidence used to replace GCSE and A Level exams this year. Teacher assessment is a key part of university study, too. University educators play a pivotal role in judging and grading written and non-written […] … learn more→