Tag Archives: Bankruptcy

How to remove a bankruptcy from your credit report?

How to remove a bankruptcy from your credit report?

A bankruptcy will be naturally erased from your credit report in either 7 or 10 years from the bankruptcy recording date, contingent upon what chapter you register.  A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will be erased in 10 years in light of the fact that, right now, no amount of debt is returned. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy […] … learn more→

University of Alaska going bankrupt…like many State schools

University of Alaska going bankrupt…like many State schools

By the financial measurement standards of the Obama administration, Trump’s presidency has seen an incredible boom in the American economy. Of course, those old standards are rubbish, and many of our states are running huge deficits because the economic numbers, no matter how you manipulate them, can’t change the reality of our failing economy (even […] … learn more→